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New Alureon Rootkit Takes Malware To New Level 135

Trailrunner7 writes "A new version of the venerable Alureon malware has appeared, and this one includes some odd behavior designed to prevent analysis and detection by antimalware systems. However, this isn't the typical evasion algorithm, as it uses some unusual encryption and decryption routines to make life much more difficult for analysts and users whose machines have been infected. Alureon is a well-known and oft-researched malware family that has some rootkit-like capabilities in some of its variations. The newest version of the malware exhibits some behavior that researchers haven't seen before and which make it more problematic for antimalware software to detect it and for experts to break down its components."

Google Will Save Videos After All 69

don9030582 writes "After Google announced it would permanently shutter its Google Videos collection, dozens of volunteers from around the world sprung into action in a massive effort to make a copy of the entire site. It was originally slated to go dark on April 29th, but now they have eliminated any such deadline and furthermore they will be migrating the collection to YouTube. We wish Google would have planned to do that from the beginning, but ultimately this is a victory for the preservation of user-generated content on the Internet."

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 778

And if Grandma wants to switch the button layout in MS Windows or OSX? How would you talk her through that? I am not fond of the change in ubuntu either, but it is only a big deal to people who expect them to be on the other side. So if you are saying your Grandma is already used to MS Windows, then just get her a MS Windows machine. If you are saying this is easier in Windows, then I think you are just wrong.

Comment Re:meh (Score 1) 227

Agreed, but I think this is a fairly clueless move. If I can use google tv to sit down on the couch and watch 5 hours of The Event hulu or the network website because I didn't set a dvr to record it, at least I watch the commercials they sell. Take that option away and I fire up bittorrent the night before to download 5 episodes, commercial free. Something or nothing people, the world is changing and your margins may shrink, but there is still profit to be had.

Comment Re:So...? (Score 3, Insightful) 1348

I almost agree with the premise of the article, just based on the fact that I think the DESKTOP is dying. Between phones and tablets I expect typical Desktop OS installations to become the minority in less than 5 years, though the desktop will live on in business, which doesn't leave time for Linux to "catch up", it will just be a player in a new game.

Comment Re:Lawyers... (Score 1) 475

I think you will find there are a number of legal systems that don't require a professional. Tribal and religious courts that are older than most nations have long existed for the same purposes and require only an understanding of the mores, traditions and yes, Laws of a particular group. A person who is more experienced in dealing with these courts may have a better chance of success but I don't think you would be able to call many of them "specialized professionals". It is only when the Law of a group or nation has grown so byzantine that it almost impossible to live a life without violating some aspect of it that you will find the necessity for a professional group to manage the complexity. In many "modern" sovereign states it has become common to pass laws with thousands of pages that have never been reviewed or considered as a whole. New laws often flagrantly and purposely contradict existing laws. Some are passed with the sole intention of having an excuse to stop and detain people when it is convenient, some are passed for political gain, and some are passed for reasons known only to the few people who secreted them away in an omnibus of unrelated legislation.The fact that modern law is so incomprehensible to the laity is a testament to it's dysfunction, not a justification of its existence. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but when law itself has become so incomprehensible that even attorneys and judges can scarcely decipher its intent with regard to the common, good can any of us claim we are not ignorant?

Deleting Certain Gene Makes Mice Smarter 259

An anonymous reader writes "Deleting a certain gene in mice can make them smarter by unlocking a mysterious region of the brain considered to be relatively inflexible, scientists at Emory University School of Medicine have found. Mice with a disabled RGS14 gene are able to remember objects they'd explored and learn to navigate mazes better than regular mice, suggesting that RGS14's presence limits some forms of learning and memory."

Comment Re:Meh... (Score 2, Interesting) 178

Anyone looking at my posting history will see I am not a huge MS fan, but in this case I really think the biggest problem is that you can't have a touch based GUI and still be what most people think of as "Windows". A well executed touch based OS takes away almost all of Microsoft's market advantages, i.e. familiarity and application availability. Even if the OS GUI were completely converted to a nice touch interface, almost all existing windows apps would be clumsy to use. This is the closest thing to a level playing field MS has tried to get into in some time. Just look at the phone market, their current premium offering uses the HTC sense GUI bolted on top of WinCE 6.5. It's almost completely unlike "Windows" for the first several steps of any given operation, so why would the average user prefer windows over android/webos?

FCC To Make Move On Net Neutrality 232

GrApHiX42 writes "The FCC will announce on Thursday it plans to pursue a 'third way' forward in the fight for tough net neutrality rules, opening a new front in an ongoing legal battle that could come to define the commission under Chairman Julius Genachowski. A senior FCC official said Wednesday that the chairman 'will seek to restore the status quo as it existed' before a federal court ruled it lacked the authority to regulate broadband providers and set rules that mandate open Internet. The goal is to 'fulfill the previously stated agenda of extending broadband to all Americans, protecting consumers, ensuring fair competition, and preserving a free and open Internet,' the FCC official said."

Tiny ARM-Based Sensor System Makes Battery Replacement Obsolete 96

An anonymous reader writes "University of Michigan researchers have crammed an ARM Cortex microcontroller, a thin-film battery, and a solar cell into a package that is only 9 cubic millimeters in volume. The system is able to run perpetually by periodically recharging the on-board battery with a solar cell (neglecting physical wear-out of the system)."

Comment Re:Me too! (Score 1) 371

Just curious, when you say "situations where more restrictive licensing might be desired by their customers", can you tell me why a customer would prefer a MORE restrictive license? I can understand why someone may want to sell under a dual license by why would a customer want more restrictions on what they can do with the code? I just don't hear "Yeah, this is great, could you just put a few more restictions on what I can do with the source code?" a lot.

Dad Delivers Baby Using Wiki 249

sonamchauhan writes "A Londoner helped his wife deliver their baby by Googling 'how to deliver a baby' on his mobile phone. From the article: 'Today proud Mr Smith said: "The midwife had checked Emma earlier in the day but contractions started up again at about 8pm so we called the midwife to come back. But then everything happened so quickly I realized Emma was going to give birth. I wasn't sure what I was going to do so I just looked up the instructions on the internet using my BlackBerry."'"

NASA Tests Flying Airbag 118

coondoggie writes "NASA is looking to reduce the deadly impact of helicopter crashes on their pilots and passengers with what the agency calls a high-tech honeycomb airbag known as a deployable energy absorber. So in order to test out its technology NASA dropped a small helicopter from a height of 35 feet to see whether its deployable energy absorber, made up of an expandable honeycomb cushion, could handle the stress. The test crash hit the ground at about 54MPH at a 33 degree angle, what NASA called a relatively severe helicopter crash."

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