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Comment Re:ah faux news (Score 1) 338

Okay but heres the thing--this is NOT a fight over political convictions. That would be one thing. No, this is a fight being started by religious people who dont like established science getting in the way of whatever new interpretation of their religion they come up with next. Its not a matter of policy, its not a matter of social constructs. It is a matter of SCIENCE. They deny science (even while actively using the internet to do so...) and they deny its fundamental principles, and they deny any connection between human-scale events and geological scale events. When people start claiming that light was created in transit 6000 years ago to APPEAR as if it were billions of lightyears away...Well, its no longer about ideology. Its about intelligence and wisdom versus anti-intellectualism and fear. And while those forces are violent and ugly, they tend to burn out very fast. Just like the stars they claim dont exist -- Being told the earth would need a gigantic furnace near it in order to overtake local entropy, even as the sun shines in their eyes -- is very painful to hear. Even worse is when my co-worker asked me "How can the sun keep burning if there isnt air in space?" Aside from wanting to make an "Air in space museum" joke, this wrenched my chest a bit, and evoked a level of helpless pity ive never since encounterd.

Comment Re:I have to deal with this all the time.... (Score 1) 945

So..Im confused. Im too sick too work, and since im too sick to work I cant get health insurance ,and cause i cant get health insurance I cant go to work to afford health insurance, and so on. And this is my fault? Because I was in such a catastrophic accident, I should just lay down here and die quietly? You can pretend its about money all you want. It isnt. Its about basic human decency, the SAME basic human decency we demand from all aspects of society. Can you make your computer? Give it to us. Do you understand how to make a successful business online? Then get off. If you wanna whine about the awful non-neutral internet, maybe you should do it with one of those other telephony systems. You seem to so enjoy going to strawman level extremes while professing a level of clairsentience that lets you both see the actions of all the left-wingers, and read their thoughts and emotions with perfect accuracy. Or you're making things up about people you dont like, with information given to you by people who dont like the people you dont like, and viewing everything done anywhere through that broken lense. So either theres a superduper left wing conspiracy that is REALLY BAD at what it does, especially compared to anyone else who ever tried, or your side is greedy and selfish and will do all they can for political and financial gain, leaving us to clean up your mess. I hope you can reconcile this soon. The feather of Ma'at is surpsingly light, and Ammit is usually hungry.

Comment Re:I have to deal with this all the time.... (Score 1) 945

Nah Id have to say that killing off the poor and the unprivlidged is among their top priorities. Sure, maybe not directly, but when you use end-of-america rhetoric over insurance covering a yearly talk with a doctor about end of life planning ... *If you want it!* ...Then its hard to trust anything youd say. And when you keep doing this time after time after time, making the most ridiculous arguments imaginable, to the point of contradicting it because the 'other' liked it too, your words become hollow and meaningless. Its like the whole biblical literalism thing. Its not really about literal interpretations, its about finding ways you can ram words together to support your cause. And that is exactly how the right operates in the modern climate: debate and nuance have become roadkill. And now we have to deal with several hours a day of raving lunatics/vicious jerks with persecution and martyr complexes, telling people that things that have been going on since 2004 have actually been started wholly by the left, in the last year, despite the impossibility of these claims. Im sorry, but until the rightwing is willing to stand up for the truth, then they dont deserve to wear...Sorry, channeling Picard again. Yeah, they dont deserve to be trusted on any issue, until they can account for and retract the ones that a quick Google search will show you are complete fabrications, from stem to stern, from alpha to omega, Complete-and-utter Lies. How can we trust ANYONE who is so willing to do such disconnected things? The reason doesnt matter. Whether through bigotry, political favoritism, greed, stupidity or just plain jackassery, the lies are there, and they remain there. They never get retracted. As such, the side who supports these things cannot be trusted either. Remember when Obama gave arizona to mexico? Did I miss the insurrection, or is it just another week-long hissy fit that actually had no meaning in reality? Fortunately, they dont have an answer for that. We should all hide under our blankets as "Obama to Give Manhattan Back to Native Americans." Conservatives, heres your chance, prove me wrong. Denounce this conservative jackassery and start to reclaim your position in our society. We will always welcome you back to the real world, but YOU need to step through the door!

Comment "recreates the exact phyiscs." (Score 1) 168

I cant help but snicker at that. I havent seen an accurate game engine that could handle anything at all like real physics. like a sword falling onto its blade and spinning abuot. And I remember when I picked up that one guy's brain, which proceeded to orbit me. Did you know that even in a windy enivornment, quills fall just as fast as iron ore? Its weieeird.

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