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Journal Journal: rightwing mods are tracking on me to mod me 3

The rightwing mods are determined to knock down my karma. THey have been consistently modding me down lately.

and maybe even slashdot admins are modding me after my CONSUME postings...

User Journal

Journal Journal: posts

Well, just got through posting 17 comments to the Jobs Crunch thread.

As usually I have received both up and down mods on many of those posts. Very interesting how a post can be modded as both Insightful and Flamebait!

But this was an excellent thread for propagating leftist memes. THe evidence of just what predatory capitalism really is, is becoming quite evident to many slashdotters and to many Americans.

User Journal

Journal Journal: My posts being modded UP AND DOWN in same post (More detail)

Look at these posts that some moderators find interesting, insightful, etc, yet other moderators find to be a troll, a flamebait, etc.

Why the polarization?

Here are the posts (my wife is calling me to go!):

  Yippee! Another billionaire for us to adore! (Score:-1, Troll)
by Cryofan (194126) on Thursday September 02, @07:44PM (#10144671)
( | Last Journal: Thursday September 02, @08:16PM)
Fuck Mark Cuban and the dotcom crap he rode in on. Wasn't there a slashdot topic on how he claimed that larger file sizes were the cure for video "piracy"?

Fight for your Welfare State! [])
[ Reply to This ]
Starting Score: 1 point
Moderation -2
    50% Troll
    50% Overrated
Extra 'Troll' Modifier 0 (Edit)
Total Score: -1

  Yes, USA is DEFINITELY 2nd rate in healthcare (Score:4, Insightful)
by Cryofan (194126) on Thursday September 02, @01:39PM (#10141013)
( | Last Journal: Thursday September 02, @08:16PM)
And you are right--we have a hard time admitting we are 2nd rate in anything. And there is a reason for that: we Americans have been subjected to decades of well-funded media propaganda, which has caused the vast majority of AMericans to suffer from this peculiar disease, which I cannot put a name to, but one symptom of it is the eternal calls to patriotism, and endless rhetoric about "the United States of America." We have manipulated for decades to think that America is so great, and thus we have given our consent to all sorts of foreign wars and foreign policy skullduggery.

This kind of manipulation still goes on here: most Americans are convinced America has the world's greatest medical case., it does not. Not for the average person.

And we do not have the world's greatest broadband. Here in Houston, the country's 5th largest city, you can get 1M down, 250K up for the grand sum of $32/month.

The reason why we have substandard broadband and substandard medical care is that our governmental structure was set up 200 years ago to reflect and maintain a SLAVE SOCIETY. They ran on slaves and indentured servants, and they built a Constitution to exploit the underclass. And they are still exploiting us.

Fight for your Welfare State! [])
[ Reply to This | Parent ]
Yes, USA is DEFINITELY 2nd rate in healthcare by Cryofan (Score:4)
Starting Score: 1 point
Moderation +3
    80% Insightful
    20% Flamebait
Extra 'Insightful' Modifier 0 (Edit)
Total Score: 4

  decades of anti-govt, pro-corporate propaganda (Score:0, Flamebait)
by Cryofan (194126) on Wednesday September 01, @10:54AM (#10128364)
( | Last Journal: Thursday September 02, @08:16PM)
Yes, I agree; the public financed projects are what made America great. THat and the high, progressive tax rates we had up until about 25 years ago. Lately we have just been coasting.

THe reason why we are headed downhill is because of the propaganda bought by the rich and the corporations for the last 30 years, propaganda which denigrated public service, government projects, and which glamourized corporations and the corporate sector.

Fight for your Welfare State! [])
[ Reply to This | Parent ]
decades of anti-govt, pro-corporate propaganda by Cryofan
Starting Score: 1 point
Moderation -1
    20% Flamebait
    40% Insightful
    20% Troll
Extra 'Flamebait' Modifier 0 (Edit)
Total Score: 0

  free broadband access will make USA more liberal (Score:4, Interesting)
by Cryofan (194126) on Wednesday September 01, @10:48AM (#10128287)
( | Last Journal: Thursday September 02, @08:16PM)
Free broadband access means 70% of AMericans could watch video from any source at all. People could download video off of p2p networks, meaning that the high barrier to entry for getting a TV show or movie out to an audience would be changed to a lower barrier to entry. You would still have to have cameras (but they are getting reall cheap now) and actors and production sets. But the distribution system (tv stations, cable tv systems, movie theaters etc) has always been the obstacle to be overcome.

But when anyone with a camera, free editing software, and some time and actors can make a movie, then upload it onto p2p, where it could be watched on free or very cheap p2p, that is going to mean that more leftist, liberal, progressive ideas are going to be propagated into American minds.

Right now, the mainstream media/Hollywood is liberal in the social sense (i.e., gay and minority rights, abortion, etc), but they are quite conservative in the economics /i? sense: meaning that leftist ideas about raising the tax rates on the rich to former levels (e.g., 60% or more), and ideas about welfare for any poor person, and universal health care, these ideas are shunted aside.

But free broadband would disrupt the media/entertainment distribution machine, thus allowing penetration for more liberal, leftist ideas.

I am all for it!

Fight for your Welfare State! [])
[ Reply to This ]
Starting Score: 1 point
Moderation +3
    40% Interesting
    40% Insightful
    20% Overrated
Extra 'Interesting' Modifier 0 (Edit)
Total Score: 4

  "Economic" == science of screwing the serfs (Score:1, Flamebait)
by Cryofan (194126) on Friday August 27, @07:49PM (#10093048)
( | Last Journal: Thursday September 02, @08:16PM)
you wrote:
" No, her basic premise is sound economics.

Economics is nothing more than a science of how to fuck over the working citizen and benefit the investor. Anytime I hear someone talk about "economics", I know they are either callow and ignorant or an evil greedhead. Guess which one I think you are....

you also wrote:

What outsourcing really does is grow the economies of those other countries.

WHo cares? America is my business. I own it jointly with all my fellow citizens. They are my partners. I aint looking to fuck them over so I can unduly benefit myself and some foreigners. I call that treason....

The money going into those economies results in higher economic spending power among the outsourcees. They in turn buy more goods, which employs more people in their local economy. This causes economic growth... at the same time it provides the ability for people in these countries to start their own business, utilizing cheaper local professionals, to produce products and outcompete the American companies. That sounds scary... but the net gain is cheaper goods and services for US as well.

OK...that scenario MIGHT come true, at some point in the future, maybe 50 years or 100 years. But I and my fellow citizen-partners are gonna get mighty skinny waiting for your free-trade, lasseiz faire, cornucopia-religion, rapture-prophesy crap to come to fruition. I say fuck that, and put up steep trade barriers. You know, things CHANGE from time to time in this ol' world. What works OK at some time N, does necessarily work well at some time N+K. Reality is like that.

You wrote:
It's the concept of competitive advantage. The workers in India have a competitive advantage as they can do the IT jobs cheaper, and ostensibly at or near the same quality level. By allowing them to take that advantage they win (their economy grows), but they also begin producing products that out-compete the more expensive American products. This is the exact same cycle we saw with Japanese cars (which has come full circle with those companies opening up manufacturing plants in the United States).

Here is an analogy for you: I and a bunch of people own an office building together. Each of us owners uses one of the offices to ply our trade. I am a lawyer; Joe down the hall is a dentist, Mike is an accountant, etc.

Then we hire an office manager. This office manager finds out that the office building on the down the street is not doing so well. The lawyers, accountants, dentists working there do not have much business. They charge much less than we owners in our office building do, but the problem is that their location is not as "prime"as ours. So that office manager conspires with the owners of the other building: whenever someone comes in looking to hire a lawyer, get dental or accounting work, etc., he just sends them down the street. He gets a kickback.

When we catch onto what he is doing he just says basically what you have just said: "it will grow their economy, it will keep prices down, yadda yadda yadda...."

Now, what do you think of that office manager?

With regard to manufacturing and japan and the USA, you might wanna read this.... []

Fight for your Welfare State! [])
[ Reply to This | Parent ]
"Economic" == science of screwing the serfs by Cryofan (Score:1)
Starting Score: 1 point
Moderation 0
    50% Flamebait
    50% Insightful
Extra 'Flamebait' Modifier 0 (Edit)
Total Score: 1

User Journal

Journal Journal: I am modded up and down in the same posts! 2

Many of my posts are being modded up AND down. So what it is is that my posts are being modded according to the moderator's personal politics. And it only happens to posts that are politically oriented. It goes to show that rightwing/libertarian moderators are intolerant of opposing viewpoints.

User Journal

Journal Journal: ./ editors banned me for excessive posting (for 5 posts)

Here is the message I received from the Slashdot editors: Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner . If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "6251e5ee1bd0d49c22b79a2ea3a8a76c" and "cd3752d02d0211105ec3821e0c3c2335" and (optionally, but preferably) your IP number "" and your username "Cryofan". Here is the thread in which i was posting: cheap broadband + P2P = The Neoliberalism Killer? (Score:-1, Troll) by Cryofan (194126) on Saturday June 05, @08:55PM (#9347558) ( | Last Journal: Monday July 14, @05:23PM) Wireless broadband could be the killer of neoliberalism. I am no networking expert, but it seems to me that with widely available wireless broadband, it could cause broadband to drop sharply in price, or at least more price pressure downward on broadband in general, as it would eliminate the "last mile" costs. For those not "in the know," neoliberalism might be roughly defined as American-style capitalism, complete with globalization, lack of universal healtcare, and with a weak social safety net. Some European countries have a weaker form of neoliberalism. The Scandanavian social democracies are farther away from neoliberalism. Socialism is even farther away. I propose that Neoliberalism has been, and can only be, maintained through the use of mass media propaganda, and virtually one sided propaganda at that. It depends on high-barrier-to-entry mass media (TV, radio and urban newspapers). I would say that neoliberalism rise tracked the growth of such mass media, and the ownership consolidation of such. The internet could kill neoliberalism, just as it is, IF more Americans were into in-depth reading. But they are not. THerefore, the leftist propaganda that would be needed to kill neoliberalism needs to be audiovisual, either talk radio, or video in the form of movies, dramas, TV sitcoms, documentaries, which could be used to propagate anti-neoliberal, leftist memes. For example, movies that highlighted the differences between European social democracies and America, in terms of political economy. With ever-decreasing prices in digital movie cameras and video editing software being virtually free, such movies, documentaries etc, could be made cheaply. But how do you distribute them? In the near future, we will have ever-cheaper computers. And if broadband gets cheap, then P2P networks could be used to distribute freely leftist movies propagating leftist memes. I realize this is already possible, but the problem is that not enough people have broadband and computers. Once Americans are turned away from neoliberalim, it will die, as it is the military might of America that is the protector of neoliberalism. Fight for your Welfare State! []) [ Reply to This ] * Re: cheap broadband+P2P=The Neoliberalism Killer? by Cryofan (Score:-1) Saturday June 05, @09:14PM o Re: cheap broadband+P2P=The Neoliberalism Killer? by Magila (Score:2) Saturday June 05, @09:29PM + How in the HELL is it even a little offtopic?! by Cryofan (Score:-1) Saturday June 05, @09:34PM * Re:cheap broadband+P2P=The Neoliberalism Killer? by Cryofan (Score:-1) Saturday June 05, @09:17PM o Re:cheap broadband+P2P=The Neoliberalism Killer? by Cryofan (Score:-1) Saturday June 05, @10:27PM * Re:cheap broadband + P2P = The Neoliberalism Killer by Anonymous Coward Sunday June 06, @02:25AM Here is the thread URL: This was nothing but rank censorship and rank bullshit from the slashdot editors. Here is the reply from me which they censored: In a previous post, which started this thread, I wrote: "Wireless broadband could be the killer of neoliberalism. I am no networking expert, but it seems to me that with widely available wireless broadband, it could cause broadband to drop sharply in price, or at least more price pressure downward on broadband in general, as it would eliminate the "last mile" costs. For those not "in the know," neoliberalism might be roughly defined as American-style capitalism, complete with globalization, lack of universal healtcare, and with a weak social safety net. Some European countries have a weaker form of neoliberalism. The Scandanavian social democracies are farther away from neoliberalism. Socialism is even farther away. I propose that Neoliberalism has been, and can only be, maintained through the use of mass media propaganda, and virtually one sided propaganda at that. It depends on high-barrier-to-entry mass media (TV, radio and urban newspapers). I would say that neoliberalism rise tracked the growth of such mass media, and the ownership consolidation of such. The internet could kill neoliberalism, just as it is, IF more Americans were into in-depth reading. But they are not. THerefore, the leftist propaganda that would be needed to kill neoliberalism needs to be audiovisual, either talk radio, or video in the form of movies, dramas, TV sitcoms, documentaries, which could be used to propagate anti-neoliberal, leftist memes. For example, movies that highlighted the differences between European social democracies and America, in terms of political economy. With ever-decreasing prices in digital movie cameras and video editing software being virtually free, such movies, documentaries etc, could be made cheaply. But how do you distribute them? In the near future, we will have ever-cheaper computers. And if broadband gets cheap, then P2P networks could be used to distribute freely leftist movies propagating leftist memes. I realize this is already possible, but the problem is that not enough people have broadband and computers. Once Americans are turned away from neoliberalim, it will die, as it is the military might of America that is the protector of neoliberalism." >>>> IN response, you wrote: "Are you using some non-standard definition of "neoliberalism"?? No. THis is the standard definition as widely used in most of the western world, but it is a term known by few Americans. Funny, because America is the epicenter of neoliberalism. You wrote: "Perhaps you mean "neoconservatism", " Neoconservative == conservative neoliberal (i.e., hawkish warmonger) You wrote: "since liberal (and left) are associated (here in the US, where slashdot exists) with socialism. You say "Socialism is even farther away [from liberalism]" but you actually have that backwards (unless you still live in communist russia). Socialism is a liberal policy. " American liberals are to the right of European conservatives. That is because America is the center of neoliberalism. Both the political parties here are deeply conservative. American Democrats are neoliberals, as are American Republicans. The Bush II regime is neoconervative, whereas the Clinton regime was merely neoliberal. You wrote: "It is not a conservative policy, because conservatives don't want change. Socialism (for everyone not in a socialist country, which is most of us) is therefore not conservative. Universal healthcare is a liberal policy." Universal Healthcare is indeed a liberal policy, but it is not a neoliberal policy, which is why they have it in Europe, but not in America. We are the center of neoliberalism here in America. You wrote: "Almost all media is owned by extremely large corporations, who are traditionally highly conservative. " Very true! You wrote: "The so called "liberal media" is just FUD by the republicans do hide the fact that all large media outlets are in fact owned and controlled by republicans, specifically by very conservative republicans. And why wouldn't they be conservative? They are the ones already in power. If they were liberals, they'd want things to change, rather than stay the same. Even Democrats aren't liberal though. They are just slightly less conservative than republicans. So I'm confused as to why you call it "neoliberalism". Neoliberalism refers to "economic liberalism", where the rich people get to use their money more or less unfettered, and where the "free market" is set up to favor those with the most money, whereas "liberalism" refers to "political liberalism", where the govt is used to provide a better life for the majority of the citizens. Here is a primer on neoliberalism. Neoliberalism is a well known term and commonly used term in the rest of the Western world, but is little used here in America, where the only people who seem to be familiar with the word are those who have a special interest in politics. Gee, I wonder why Americans are not familiar with neoliberalism.....
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot blackout on the important issue of tech jobs!

Slashdot has stopped running stories on the outsourcing of tech jobs to Asia. THey also no longer run stories on the h1b visa scam. Why? Because slashdot is now part of The Corporate Establishment. Have you noticed the flood of stories about how RIAA and the Justice Dept are cracking down on file sharers?

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