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Comment Re:Beware coverage tools (Score 1) 169

A code coverage tool is useful to find the parts of the code not tested at all. As long as you remember that, it is a great tool (assuming it is free and easy to deploy). If you think achieving enough code coverage alone is all you need then you lose. But even in that case if you did not have the code coverage tool, you would probably just test even less.

Once sufficient code coverage is achieved, I would look at the interesting cases and if necessary just build a simple test generator to generate tests and track the achieved coverage in terms of combinations of these. Even here the code coverage is useful to have to show you someone implemented something "interesting" that you are never testing since it is undocumented..

So. Not the perfect tool but can be useful.

Comment maybe getting the degree really is the easy part? (Score 1) 479

thats what they say, right? that getting the degree is the easy part, and the morning after when you wake up not knowing what to do with the rest of your life is the hangover.. :)

anyway, where are you looking? country, state, etc.? any specific skills? i understand you don't want to mention location and phd topic as that would be naming yourself but some information would be ... interesting :)

i did my phd some years back and while i am currently employed, looks like i will be looking soon. and interesting jobs are few, development jobs always ask for some very specific technologies that you don't have deep expertise if you didn't work in that specific industry in that area past few years, etc. so if you are able to move, maybe looking a bit farther helps. with a phd it seems there are few jobs and those are always far away. maybe if you can sell yourself as someone with abilities to learn, do research, come up with (innovative) solutions without someone giving a detailed spec, etc. some place they might like it. for example, google job ads often mention phd as a plus. but i have no idea if that matters where you are at.

anyway, interesting topic as i guess i will be there in the future. and sure, networking is the best way to do it if you can, but also depends on your local situation. and it seems the more distance you want to go, the thinner is the network. but of course, then you can look wider. if you are just yourself with no other ties, now would be a great time to go..

Comment Re:HALO (Score 1) 368

also, if you take away the minecraft client, what are people left with? running your own pseudo-legal bukkit server with no client to play it with? i suppose the old versions might work but no new shinies as in the updated xbox versions, and ms could probably use some minecraft licensing issues to ban old plugins and whatnot..

Comment Re:I don't know about the android store, but (Score 1) 321

you can do this with android as well, with google play "gift cards". they are not available in many countries at this time though.

i give the kids a small amount of cash a week if they have done their part. they can then save this up and buy an itunes or google play gift card. after that, they can put that on their ipad/android store and use it as they wish. i still need to enter the password for them and look at what they are spending it and ask if they really are sure about buying those 5 items for $10 of some in app purchase for some garbage i am sure they will never look at again in a week. their choice though, and not possible to overspend.

but certainly i can see many parents in a hurry just slapping the CC there and telling the kids to sit quietly..


Comment poopoo (Score 2) 876

It's because you can create useful domain specific languages for very narrow domains and have people draw their little programs with that. Works great. But when you need anything outside that very little narrow domain, you need a general purpose programming language to do it. The less you narrow your domain the closer you get to the general purpose stuff and then it is pointless any more. And fancy graphics just get in the way at that point.

Comment Re:I don't think so, Marc... (Score 1) 332

1. The assertions about no charge or low charges for transactions. Glenn's seems correct when he says this can't continue. Right now, people justify their computing expenses "keeping the books" by mining, but that will end as we approach the end of bitcoins in the mine. For them to continue providing their service, they have to get some value, and that will come from fees. (Did you see what people are paying to set up powerful enough computers these days? http://dealbook.nytimes.com/20... ) So the nirvana of incredibly low transactions fees vanishes (sale ends soon so act fast -- supplies are limited!)

I find bitcoins interesting but this is one of the things I don't quite understand. If the miners are the ones doing the transactions or whatnot, and if you need some huge expensive custom HW these days to do any of this.. Why would people continue to do it once it gets that expensive? Then what happens to all the transaction?

Comment Re:Polar "Vortex" AKA Alberta clipper (Score 1) 684

Where I live in Finland, when we get around to -40, like we did few years back for some 3 months, I just drag my sorry ass to the office as usual and wonder why would any sane person ever move to, or want to live in, such an area. Luckily you Canadians thought of us and sent the holy Elop to save us from working in the cold. Cheers.

Comment Re:Fail, but idea has possibilities (Score 1) 237

i like the idea. we could also have jesus coins and whatever your favourite deity coints. show your faith, the more you have the more faithful you are. then the zealots buy them from each other to show their devotion and the size of their jesus wallet. finally you donate them to church who sells them back to others for some real currency or can use them to buy services from the next door zealots. have faith, thats what the cryptocurrencies are about right?

Comment gps ftw (Score 1) 201

as far as vehicle tracking goes, how about just requiring every car to have a gps that reports to the state all the time? that is what they are planning in finland and probably other countries as well.. of course cameras have the added benefit of recording everything else while at it.

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