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Comment Re:I had clients that did this in the 90s. (Score 1) 208

The only simple explanation I see is, the tax is based on the 'value' of the areal, which might be higher if there is a pool.

Which would be exactly correct. Real estate taxes are levied on the appraised value of the real estate, which a pool would increase.

Note that this is even more clear-cut, because we're not just talking about a pool, but a piece of real estate documented to the taxman as a vacant lot with not just a pool, but an entire mansion, which, of course, raises the value of the property by quite a lot.

Comment Re:Can someone explain? (Score 2) 224

How is it logical that he loses his job and now he can't get any job?

Quite logical, really. These days, HR will do a background check on *anybody* they hire. All you need is an Internet connection, after all. When the whistleblowing comes up, the HR guy decides, "He's a trouble-maker. I've got dozens of other resumes. I'll pick somebody who's not a trouble-maker."

Comment Re:Who cares about succinctness .... (Score 2) 165

Poorly done, cryptic succinctness can indeed make code impenetrable. Yet overdone verbosity can destroy readability just as thoroughly. When the language is naturally succinct, it's easy to ensure that it contains enough context to be readable. When the language is overly verbose, you generally can't slim it back down to readable conciseness.

Comment Re:Summary is Troll Rant (Score 1) 795

"It's just the pursuit of truth, which math, peer review, and jargon have no bearing on!"

The guy is a little skewed, but you're putting up a strawman here. He's not saying "have no bearing on" but rather "are not the core of what makes science science, and cannot by themselves make what you are doing science." And that is absolutely correct.

Comment Re: I never thought I'd say this... (Score 1) 353

Yes, but at the same time, paying for an internet line to be run to your house can actually cost more than your house in rural areas

And asking for a subsidy doesn't make that cost go away--in fact, it'll make it higher. You're just making somebody else pay the cost for you.

Comment Re:The real test? (Score 1) 545

I never got the reaction of the start screen. It's basically a full screen Start Menu.

Which is at least part of the problem. A Start Menu doesn't *need* a full screen, and it's incredibly wasteful and inconvenient to make it take up a full screen.

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