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Comment Re:Illegal (Score 5, Funny) 182

Except what will happen is Uber will come out and say that after an internal investigation, they found a few rogue employees had the program up on their own time, and Uber has now put a stop to it, etc.. It's how these things work. It's really no different than getting cut off while driving, tracking the plate number through the DMV for a physical address, and then setting up your stripper friend to show up while during their family dinner.

We've all done that.

Comment Re:not so fast (Score 1) 128

You assume the body can process as much glucose as you can feed it, which simply isn't true. There's a point where any glucose beyond this threshold is "wasted" for the purpose of positive development, but it does still get processed (into fat). Put another way, the a child's body is a machine that can process 100 units of glucose (arbitrary number) at any given time, 80 of which go to the brain. If you feed it 120 units of glucose during that time, it still only processes 100. Again, 80 goes to the brain, 20 goes to other uses, and the excess 20 probably goes to the gut.

Comment Re:This doesn't compute...or does it (Score 1) 113

What generally happens is a developer might spend "years" on several different games/apps, with each probably benefiting from lessons learned from the previous ones. Eventually, one of the games finally breaks out gets popular. Since we're talking about very simplistic games here, it's not at all difficult for someone else to just copy what they see working.

The problem here is that these knockoffs aren't even trying to pass for unique games. Most even try and copy the developer name, counting on a certain percentage of people to download and install it thinking it's the "real" version.

Comment Re:Some of us do still assemble, even now (Score 4, Interesting) 294

Just because you can doesn't mean you should. 30 years ago, applications were built with long life-spans in mind, so dropping into very low-level code could make financial sense. Today, programs are generally designed for adaptability and compatibility. The target is constantly moving for the vast majority of applications out there. Dropping into assembly rarely makes sense anymore, because the mantra is "good enough" rather than "best" because even the "best" won't stay that way for long.

Of course, different industries will have different mileage. If you do most of your work for embedded devices or industry-niche things like robotics or satellites, then by all means dive into the 1's and 0's.

Comment Re:Steve Jobs set the standard... (Score 1) 262

No, Jobs alienated himself from his peers and spent the next few decades doing acid while Apple ran itself into the ground. Meanwhile, Silicon Valley was already establishing their reputation for pushing boundaries, engaging in barely-legal business practices, and working to change the industry as fast as possible.

Jobs came back from his acid trip and turned Apple around, but the industry's attitudes and culture were well-established by that point.

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