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Comment I go old school (Score 1) 208

All of my financial info is with Quicken on my PC. Everything else related to teh intertube world is recorded on a textfile on my PC with the passwords being represented as a cypher. The cypher is a one or two word comment relating to the password phrase I use (which I, in turn, munge to be first letter of each word or some other pattern, yadda) I've got the username/password cypherlist stored on my smartphone as well (Because I can't keep up anymore) and the cypher key is kept only as a hardcopy along with a hard copy of the textfile stored in a fireproof lockbox in my home. (The textfile points out the key is in the lockbox too).

I should probably just put the cypher key list in a separate lockbox (without any other username/account info) and geocache it to make it more fun for my heirs...

Comment I'm boned... (Score 1) 138

(big boned that is... ha! I kill me!)

How much is too much light?!

I've got a green LED clock and a TV with a red LED that's on when it's off. Once my eyes adjust I can see most of my bedroom FINE... especially when the moon is out and shining through my blinds...

So... the moon makes me fat?!

Or is this along the same kind of logic that because it weighs as much as a duck it's a witch...

Comment Possibly... (Score 3, Insightful) 207

"Perhaps they're bound by a National Security Letter?"

Maybe. It could also be exactly what they say - When presented by an actual warrant to intercept items (EG for goods purchased with stolen credit cards or contraband) they follow it. That WOULD include national security incidents too but, as they say "UPS is not aware of any court orders from the NSA seeking to inspect technology-related shipments" and I'd think a gag order would prevent them from affirming or denying the issue.

Comment Re:But, but, BUT! (Score 2) 284

It is kind of strange that the headline mentions the white house adding pressure, but the summary doesn't at all...

Would ye kindly RTFA

Today, House Leadership, acting through the Rules Committee and in cooperation with the Obama Administration, approved a manager’s amendment to USA FREEDOM that makes significant changes to the bill it comes to the House Floor for a vote.

Comment Re:Space is cheap, rip to FLAC (Score 1) 329

That's why I use Monster brand rubber band protectors on my hard drive. For only $50 per band ($60 for the professional gold embroidered trim which gives you a little extra protection) you wrap them around the hard drive and they protect from bitloss on your hard drive platters and other EMP disturbances.

Comment Soo... (Score 3, Insightful) 465

He's going to use the, so-called, corrupt system to change the laws to prevent himself from ever doing this again?

I dunno... why not kickstart a super-PAC that would buy candidates that does something productive? Like hire candidates who will restore our rights per the 4th amendment, stop the drug war, stop punitive taxation...yadda, yadda...

No no... gotta use the loophole to close the loophole..

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