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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 769

Get the reusable filter, and fill it with your own grind. Sometimes I make half-caf, chocolate, tea, or make a second cup with the used grinds and put in a little instant for the caffeine.

I got a little keurig from my dad, who said the packaged k-cups were too strong (I made 2 cups from each!). When this one fries I'll go back to my Mr. Coffee. the machine is terribly complicated; I took one apart and never did figure out what was wrong with it. Mine will occasionally refuse to brew, requiring a cold reboot (not sure what OS it uses).

Comment Stickers (Score 1) 250

I dunno about you, but I get address labels every freaking day from a wide range of charities. Apparently recent research has shown it ups their take if they send you this stuff (along with a note pad, nickel, cards...). Unless you send out a lot of snail mail (more than one a month, for me), what else are they good for?

Paint pens work well too. Better than sharpies.

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For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!
