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Comment Innovative company? Innovate communication (Score 1) 361

OK, so you write code for a living and only reach out to people when you need an answer to a question.

Sounds like you might need a daily blog / journal. I've seen co-workers post a daily summary of what tasks / actions were worked on and the journal is injected with a few humorous lines of the individual's personal views. This is a form of communication that may suit your style better.
    * It provides team members the opportunity to know what your working on, and may encourage them to share ideas or come to you for fresh ideas.
    * It allows management the ability to keep apprised of the work your doing without having to bug you while you're in the middle of a train of thought.
    * For some colleagues, it will give them an insight in to your personality without you having to hang out by the water cooler.
    * It helps you remember what you did so that one day when you have to produce a weekly status report, you've already captured your tasks current and completed.

Communication does not always mean you'll be caught up in political BS at work.
Communication builds trust with colleagues.
Communication is not a needless skill, but it is a dying art.

You know you're a great communicator when you can basically tell someone to "go to hell" in such a way that they think the idea is theirs and look forward to the trip.

Good luck.

Comment Unobtrusive privacy request (Score 2) 262

I'm all for the headphones at work.

When I see someone wearing them, I assume that they are heads down solving a problem and because of the intensity of the problem they need privacy. The headphones is a unobtrusive way to make that point.

When companies have the Future at Work scenario or cubicles with no private offices sometimes there is just way too much distracting noise. Many people do work well in that environment, but for others the headsets allow one to dampen the white noise, or change it to a white noise that is more suitable f one's purpose. And honestly, if it increase productivity in the workplace, then I would encourage it for more people.

Comment Thank Goodnesss some sense.... (Score 4, Interesting) 116

.... has returned to someone in the Judicial system.

It's ridiculous that the government bitches about getting a warrant. GPS is more invasive in my opinion. Because if you are a person of interest and the Govt, feels that you should be tracked, then they slap that GPS unit on your vehicle and they will step onto your property to do it in many cases. So in the event that they're not parked outside your house watching your every move, they don't always know who's driving that vehicle. So in essence, if you lent your car to someone that is NOT a person of interest the government is now tracking the wrong person and violating his/her rights.

As least with a warrant, the request is on papers and the government could back up their tracking with that warrant should the 'person not of interest' have balls big enough to go after the government.

Comment I think people forget... (Score 1) 277

In days long past, humans would go to public executions and would take their children. Beheading are a European tradition if you've ever read anything about history.

As a Society, we bitch and moan, "Oh no, spare the children....". I'm very tired of the buffer the children from real life syndrome. We've raised children who are so buffered that they don't ever see the real world and then when they start to test the waters, there are never any significant consequences.

I'm not saying have a beheading channel on the TV that runs 24/7. But holy hells bells people the world is an ugly place and our morals are all messed up these days. When schools with STUPID zero tolerance policies suspend / expel a student for helping drunk friend to NOT Drink and drive, then the sober one gets the punishment, what message are we sending? I've even heard of kids who skip school to do a little B and E, and the cops won't arrest them, because the act is so minor. Again, what message are we sending?

Today we have flash mob mentality running amok and in part it's because those individual who are on the brink of doing something that they know is wrong judge whether they can get away with it, and if caught, what are the consequences? You've created your slap on the wrist society, by hiding real consequences for real actions (regardless of reasons). When the children see the horrors of the world, most of them don't want that for themselves or the ones that they love, so they may quickly choose not to follow that path.

Next, ladies and gentlemen, it is YOUR responsibility to police YOUR offspring, not a company. And if YOUR child is under the age of 13 then its YOUR fault if they see something they shouldn't on Facebook.

Comment Re:Let them not get vaccinated (Score 1) 699

Um, by the ages that these two girls are I'm sure that there has been at least one product in their entire life with eggs in it and if neither has had an " allergic reaction to say the egg the virus was grown" by those ages they will more than likely NEVER have a reaction.

Now lets consider for one moment all the people that these two could infect if they contracted any of those viruses. And what if one of their victims dies from that said virus that is EASILY preventable? How is that fair?

It's one thing to be allergic to something and know it will kill you, but an egg virus is rare and these aren't babies who are fresh out of the womb.

All I've said is that with making a decision and standing firmly behind it, there may be repercussions, and they (mother and daughters) should be ready to face those and accept responsibility for that decision they made.

Comment In defense of contractors.... (Score 1) 501

I was once an employee of CGI, and honestly I think they outright steal good income from the people they employee as contractors, but that being said, working on government contracts is ALWAYS a nightmare.

Anyone, and I mean anyone who has ever had a contract position with a company for any project for the US government knows quite well how the US government will ask for the sky but will only pay for a twin engine prop from the 1950s to get the sky.

The US government has never learned how to handle business life-cycles on projects. They start out with vague scopes and extremely intense schedules, they talk in circles and never say what they really want and then once development has started the creep of scope begins and it's not like a snail slowing moving the requirements around, they add thousands and then when the possibility exists that the original schedule will slip, contractors who are project managers are literally crucified for saying a project is at risk.

I speak from direct experience.

I remember when I received a PM role as a contractor on a Government project that was already in dire straits. I asked my manager how I would succeed where he couldn't and he simply laughed and said you won't. I said, "So if I fail I succeed?" and his response was "yes". Well I managed to make a doomed project succeed, but was kicked off the project 1 month before it was completed simply because I communicated that there was a risk that one part of the project would not be implemented from a lack of US Government decision at such a late date in the project. I was crucified for saying that, but only after there was a big meeting and I was asked what needed to be decided on to succeed. I provided 3 options and explained the amount of work. They chose the cheapest in time and workmanship, and then kicked me from the project. It was only because I put my concerns for the project in writing that we succeeded, but in the end my reputation was crushed by the those that feared the US Government.

Today, on my resume, I can in good consciousness say I managed a project to completion, on time and under budget. But given the opportunity to help the US Government again as a contractor, I'd turn down the $ and walk away.

Businesses can't afford to be blamed for the US Government's inability to get its Shit together.

Comment My Observation only . . (Score 1) 548

OK so eons ago, there were erotica or hard core sexual books on shelves. And the righteous said ban them, burn them. People fought back, we create an adults only bookstore. Note the ADULTS ONLY part. And then the righteous said, "not in my neighborhood" and got those shut down. This happened around the same time as ADULTS ONLY entertainment places were being told, coverup or get out, until ADULTS ONLY is now only R rated entertainment.

Then comes the internet, now people can, FROM THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OWN HOME, download and watch / read any smut they want to. Sadly, the industry didn't protect it self and would allow itself to be associated to shady internet "in your face" practices, so the industry has received too much unwanted attention. It's a double edged sword, publicity = sales, but publicity = criticism. The industry has seemly caught on, make it private people will find it if they really want to, it' not that hard.... no pun intended.

Here some writers have some stories to sell, for most of us, sick and deranged, but stories none the less. Now people have paid for copies of these stories to read in the PRIVACY OF THEIR OWN HOME on their OWN devices and some pompous person says "not on my ebook provider".

I am not a proponent for censorship, never have been. I don't like what some people write so I choose NOT TO BUY, READ, OR WATCH it, but I'm certainly not going to stop someone else. What someone else is into is none of my freaking business, no matter how offended by it I may be.

Sadly I'm sure that if one eBook provider becomes the sole provider of everything smut someone will sue the provide or the author for what some other nutjob does wrong in society. I only wish we would enact the same logic with other things we think are bad. Do we punish the bullet manufacturer for the bullets or the store that sold them that are used in a crime? No? We still sell weapons and ammo.

Why then must we censor someone else's work?

I know I know you'll say, because it glorifies incest and rape.... It's sick and disgusting, but have you read books like "Fifty Shades of Gray"?

That story line is about ADULTS choosing to be CONSENTING ADULTS and doing things that are considered illegal in society (domestic abuse), tortured, etc... but they are about consenting adults doing these things.

Incest is disgusting, but shit we read about that in history books.
Rape is atrocious, but again we read about that in history books.

Time to ban everything bad or disgusting that ever happened that's ever been written about, whether it's based on fact or someone's fantasy.

Even Disney movies show kids or animal being abducted that's wrong, why aren't we banning those books and stories?

Comment Let them not get vaccinated (Score 2) 699

.... and if they get Measles, Mumps, or Rubella while under the age of 18, their mother must pay for all doctors bills 100% out of pocket, including hospital stays.

Also it if can be proven they they infect anyone else, they must pay the doctor bills of those that can prove it.

Legal fees alone in the defense will fix that.

If they get these after the age of 18, then they should face the same expenses as their mother would.

It's simple repercussions of one's actions.

Comment Digital Cable boxes....and their fees (Score 1) 318

So now days to use simple technology as recording (something we used to be able to do for free with a VCR) we get dinged for $20 to $50 / month. I'm talking about DVR service. Augh.

Add that to the HD technology fee when you get the HD digital cable package. Um, what's with the technology fee? It's not like you're fixing issues with digital broadcasting or improving on the HD pictures that are compressed in transfer. We're just being hit with extra fees and questioning them does nothing to help anyone take notice of them.

Oh Cable companies, you're such a racket, as bad as the insurance industry, or Obamacare. Shame on all of you.

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