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Comment Self supporting cycle (Score 2) 1013

Guns don't need safety features, we just need to stop grooming human beings to become incompetent idiots. We dumb everything down, make people expect everything to be safe, treat grown adults like children... then they do stupid stuff and hurt themselves... like children. Uh oh, we better dumb everything down even more. Also, if you believe you should relinquish your gun rights to the US government, you don't deserve to be a US citizen. This is a country built on personal freedoms. The original idea was for the populace to be as well armed as the military so we could never be subjugated by our government. Asking the government to disarm us goes against everything this country stands for.

Comment As a Louisiana Resident. (Score 4, Interesting) 1163

Texas could maybe pull it off, Louisiana no... The only industry we have here is the Prison industry and the gov here is corrupt top to bottom. Those that aren't in prison are on food stamps. Its an all around crappy state... Every day I wake up I ask my self WTF am I doing here? "Louisiana's incarceration rate is nearly five times Iran's, 13 times China's and 20 times Germany's.... A majority of Louisiana inmates are housed in for-profit facilities, which must be supplied with a constant influx of human beings"

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