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Comment Re:When Nixon did that... (Score 1) 276

And this does not apply to all americans: Just the ignorant ones which unfortunately make up the voting majority as well as the main media organisations...

Yeah well, it's pretty funny that in the US the majority of the main media organizations lean left. Some days I can't tell the difference between NBC and the CBC.

Comment Re:Is MojoKid shilling for HotHardware allowed by (Score 1) 72

What sites does Slashdot send people to that aren't there to make money? I don't get this witchhunt.

Some people have this belief that in order to be ethical, you don't shill. That there are no financial ties, that the people involved have disclosure if there are any related issues. I realize that this is a difficult subject for some people to understand, but if you want to know why, you only need to look at the mess ABC news is in.

This is an extension of the clickbait culture that exists with sites like gawker, kotaku, polygon, vox and so on.

Comment Re:Trolling Douchebags (Score 1) 211

My grandmother used a NSI cell when she had VOIP service down in florida and for when she was traveling through the US. She was in her late 70's at the time, she had no need for a functioning cell, only the need in case there was an emergency. The best answer is to register the phones, and when some little shit rat decides to go "hur-dur-dur I'm in ur 911 fuckin' you up" slap them with the cost of dispatching EMS.

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 186

Hey, kid, maybe some people like to watch mindless action movies where things explode. Viewing habits are NOT indicative of mental capacity. Ever heard of suspending disbelief? Try it sometime.

I tried that, then the neo-puritan and 3rd wave radical feminists showed up and tried blaming videogames for all the worlds ills.

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