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Comment Re:It is Canada's fault! (Score 1) 130

"Upto" is the key wording. Remember this is the key point in case law, especially for setting abuse precedents. And it's sure not going to cause small companies to fold left and right. If it does, the business is already doing something wrong, and thriving off of bulk spam in the first place. What this is, is an extension of the DNC, and since we're moving in a direction of tossing mail to the wind--especially with companies now charging between $1 to $8 for a bill to be physically mailed, I'm sure you can see where there is a problem.

But let's be realistic, if Canadapost can operate Purolator with a massive positive income, where are they going wrong at operating their letter carrier service. If anything, their latest stunt of pushing people to corner-boxes and no home delivery is what's simply going to kill them faster.

Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

Don't worry, they will just slash and burn the [remaining] forests to provide arable land. What could possibly go wrong?

We have more forest in Canada today then there was 150 years ago. With that though we've got a wonderful plague of insects and diseases because of the US and piss poor import management which are destroying forests. Then again, with the amount of arable farmland we have here, we wouldn't have to do squat.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

Really? I'm pretty sure I'm trading the long term for the long term in a different way. Tell me, what would happen if to those countries where they're having 8-10 kids at a time, like we here in the west were not even 80 years ago. Pre-industrial revolution of course, and they were suddenly in the span of 80 years on-at-or near par with us technologically.

Just ponder that one out, and while you're still thinking just think if there were more people like Norman Bourlag around, who in fact focused on food, and food production and attempted several times to introduce it to those dirt farming nations that are perpetually broke, rocked by wars and so on because of food shortages mainly. Now, while you're thinking on this what happens when you have an entire rock that's able to feed itself, has a high standard of living and is producing people who are intellectually fit and not driven by "tribal conflicts" and so on.

I'll wait, because you probably don't have an answer to those hypothetical statements. But as a point, Bourlag attempted several times to increase farming there, and nearly every time it was leftist groups causing problems, or wars causing problems.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 4, Insightful) 365

Let me guess, you typed that while staring into a reflective, black screen. Permitting unchecked emissions of CO2 is what's going to cause us the real human misery. Keep telling yourself you can shit where you eat without getting sick, though, while desperately looking around for supporting examples.

So you're telling me that CO2 is what's going to cause the real human misery. Not poor healthcare, not food to eat, not ways to keep things from spoiling. Not having properly developed agriculture or sewage management. Okay there. Next you'll be saying that burning cow dung indoors doesn't cause lung cancer, and sleeping on the ground in a hut covered with shit doesn't cut your life expectancy in half due to parasites. You do realize that in my examples that not even 1/3 of the people on this rock are at this level. If you're lucky you might hit 20%

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