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Comment Re:Shutting down (Score 2, Informative) 90

The reason for the shutdown in 2012 is to replace the faulty interconnects (too high resistance) in the quench protection system (QPS) which caused the accident in fall 2008. With the interconnects they have now they can only run the magnets at less than nominal current and still have the QPS protect the magnets from damage if there is a quench. Once these are replaced, the LHC should be able to operate closer to the design beam energy.

Comment Re:The Atoms (Score 1) 362

Within our current understanding of quantum chromodynamics (field theory of the strong interaction - i.e. the interaction between quarks) color confinement means effectively you cannot have 'free' quarks. Of course you can have color-neutral bound states of quarks, but so far the only stable quark bound state is the proton*. Assuming QCD is more or less correct the smallest bit we can work with is effectively protons and electrons. *The neutron is only stable within an atomic nucleus. Free neutrons will decay into a proton.

Comment Re:I am terrible at math..but (Score 1) 1268

I have seen worse on exams first hand. On one test I saw 5/16 evaluated to 1/11 and (3m)/(4m) evaluated to 1/m. This person did this for division everywhere on the test. If it had happened once I would have just assumed it was a mistake made while hurrying. It was like they had just learned some insane version of division.

The truly scary part was this was in a first-year undergraduate course for physics majors...

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 483

They're not saying that it's theft, they're saying it's anti-competitive.

So by their definition then all artists colluding to fix music prices at some value is competition? That seems little different than saying that company A is inherently undermining company B because they sell whatever widget for less.


At Google, You're Old and Gray At 40 543

theodp writes "Google faces an imminent California Supreme Court decision on whether an age discrimination suit against it can go forward. But that hasn't kept the company from patting itself on the back for how it supports 'Greyglers' — that's any Googler over 40. At a company of about 20,000 full-time employees, there were at last count fewer than 200 formally enrolled Greyglers working to 'make Google culture ... welcome to people of all ages.'"

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