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Comment Re:Horrible Analogies (Score 1) 388

If we're using human analogies, this is like selling the diary, identity information and naked photos of your overaccomplished olympian niece... and providing some genetic material to clone her.

But really, analogies suck.

Heheh... case in point ;) Not an easy one though. Sometimes I guess analogies don't cut it. Not even car ones.

Comment Re:Red Dwarf question (Score 0) 129

The Universe still has an ambient temperature of around 3K I believe. Because of this, no black holes anywhere are actually shrinking, as their temperature is much, much lower than 3K. The ambient temperature of the Universe will not be low enough for black holes to evaporate for a very very long time. I believe we're talking something like ten to the fifty years or more. Also because of this we wouldn't detect hawking radiation because the signal will be utterly swamped by other sources.

Comment Re:Hmmm .... (Score 4, Insightful) 445

My answer is that both parties have decided that security at any costs, and privacy be damned is the way of the future.

While I hope my cynicism is misplaced, I personally don't think they give a fuck about security. If they did, they'd do the math and realise there are higher priorities in terms of preventable deaths. What they give a fuck about is power. Specifically, getting it, keeping it, and increasing its scope.

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