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Comment Re:SpaceX vs. NASA vs. Russians vs. Chinese (Score 3, Informative) 178

Also throw in the fact that SpaceX is NOT incorporating reusability into their price points (from what I have seen, the boosters are designed to be recoverable but the cost structure isn't built around that being an expectation for each launch)...and now all of a sudden the price point becomes lower. Musk said recently the propellent costs for a Falcon 9 launch were around $150k. If he can get a 50% reuse rate of of his boosters, that's a hell of a cost savings AND drives the cost to orbit down much lower.

Comment Extremists Here, Extremists There.... (Score 1) 872

#1. Some Anthroprogenic Global Warming believers (scientists, media, and nut jobs) think the seas are going to rise, there will be widespread famine, pestilence, etc. #2. Some Anti Global Warming believers (scientists, media, and nut jobs) think the seas are NOT going to rise, there will NOT be widespread famine, pestilence, etc. #3. Some of the data from both sides is utter bullshit. #4. Some of it is valid. Activists on both sides tend to draw themselves to the extremes, and like Abortion, Socialism, Capitalism, Racism...the activists believe in the extremes. Don't fall for their bullshit (that's what sell books!).

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