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Comment Re:Steve Scalise did NOT speak to KKK group (Score 1, Insightful) 420

Truth rarely matters in these things.Once the Narrative is set, all other stories contrary to the narrative are shut down and censored. Nothing else matters but the narrative.

And being part of the KKK doesn't really matter to Democrats, Robert Bird served in the Senate until he died having been in the KKK. But he was liberal, so it was excused. It only matters to Democrats if it is a Republican. The hypocrisy is thick

Comment Re:So what was the result?? (Score 1) 497

It is almost expected that (D) are scandalous. Boxer (D) of California was caught in a huge financial scandal, but since "everyone" was doing it, it was okay, and she is still in office. Bill and Hillary were caught in many scandals over the years and yet she is the top (D) presidential candidate right now (or was it just a a vast right wing conspiracy?). Remember Teddy Kennedy and Mary Jo? There is, however, never a Smidgeon of evidence of any wrong doing.

Comment Re:Science by democracy doesn't work? (Score 1, Insightful) 497

But I keep being told that AGW is "settled" and "proven" and such. Tell that to the people who don't believe (faith type) in AGW who are told basically that they are going to hell (blamed for AGW should it occur),and how the sinners need to sacrifice (go "green", pay carbon offsets etc) while the priests get to live in luxury (Al Gore and the 1000s of jets flying to AGW conferences).

You see, if you frame it right, it does sound JUST LIKE RELIGION!

Comment Re:Science by democracy doesn't work? (Score 1, Insightful) 497

By creating hypothesis and then testing it, experimentally and verifying results, you know SCIENCE.

AGW and the CO2 debate has just Hypothesis generation, and the models have failed at predicting anything. And yet, you have people running around crying "2014 was the hottest year on record", and while it is fun being "Chicken Little" isn't accurate at all, and crying "consensus" (popular opinion) etc.

So far, all science has done is shown that CO2 is increasing, measured/verified.

Not to mention all the other "theories" about how weather, especially hurricanes, would increase and cause more devastation, and the cries of "Global Warming" after Sandy, which does NOTHING but drive panic (emotion, not facts) to elicit government controls on human activity. After all, only government can solve the worlds problems (never mind that governments cause most of the worlds problems).

Global warming isn't science. It is political fodder masquerading as science.

Comment Re:Size (Score 4, Insightful) 324

#2 Is unethical and should be illegal.

Yes, it is unethical, but it shouldn't be illegal. I call these "Asshole laws" trying to make being an asshole illegal. The problem with Asshole laws, is the unintended consequences and uses to harass people who were otherwise legitimately doing something not assholish.

Suppose you're in a restaurant, filming a birthday party for your 9 year old kid, and in the background is John, having a romantic dinner with "not John's wife". And you post it to Youtube, unwittingly exposing the nefarious John and his romantic "friend". Asshole law invoked, and you're now in trouble for recording a kids party at a restaurant.

So you now need to pass another law to protect yourself.

Fast forward, Asshole knows that John is having a romantic dinner (again) with his "not his wife" and uses an innocent cover to record John's indiscretion, and post it to Youtube.

The point being Assholes are going to do asshole things, we shouldn't be making laws to deal with them, because the consequences are often worse. That, and the real asshole is John for romantic dinning with "Not his wife".

Comment Re:Not good enough (Score 1) 225

I don't recall at the moment. I do remember seeing the "debate" about the quote, and then the refutation by Snopes, which changed some of the verbiage to make it look like they "proved" the (mis)quote was not true, by referring to some other quote. But they never really addressed the real quote that was in fact, factual.

It was subtle, enough to trick stupid liberals using SNOPES to prove their point, got caught making wrong statements about the actual quote. Snopes was technically correct about the "facts" it was reporting on, it just wasn't reporting on the other politically damaging quotes (ignoring them).

To be honest, Snopes is a valuable tool for most "wrong" internet MEMES and hoaxes. But on the Political crap, not useful at all, simply because there is a bias that comes out.

As I say, bias isn't always what is in what is being reported, sometimes it is in what is NOT being reported.

Comment Re:Can anyone think of (Score 1) 204

Forget Jimmy Carter much? Reagan has as much to do with the failure of Carter as anything. Yeah, Carter, the person that Democrats never remember.

I blame Republicans for Obama, as much as I blame Clintons (both of them) for Obama. But Democrats were all "hopey and changey" gaga over Obama, that they clearly have the lead on his failures. And keeping Nancy Pelosi "you have to pass it to read it" and Harry Reid as leaders clearly show how much Democrats hate America.

The Republicans aren't much better keeping Mitch and John in power either.

GAHHHH I hate both parties almost equally.

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