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Comment Re:Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 1) 458

Actually, it's largely a matter of striking at the end of the early adopter phase or the beginning of the early majority phase. From a commercial perspective, you're correct that it's practically nothing, but from an engineering perspective, it's not that big of a change. Changes in market and marketing are important, but /. should be able to separate the technical and commercial aspects better.

Comment Re:Required vaccine? (Score 1) 178

What do you do about all the lost ticket revenue when you stop having traffic violations?

Downsize the department and let the cops that are let go do something productive.

How do police react when they lose the ability to use a traffic stop as an excuse to find drugs in cars?

Not harass as many people.

How do you fund roads with a gas tax when cars become more fuel efficient and eventually switch to electricity (often generated at home with solar panels)?

Use other taxes. Granted, all of these solutions may be poorly received by some people, but they are very clearly the correct answer to all of these questions.

Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score 2, Insightful) 673

Vaccinations don't work for everybody, but herd immunity can keep them safe. By not vaccinating, herd immunity is lowered, allowing the virus to spread increases the likelihood of a different strain that doesn't respond to vaccinations. However, if we were to get widespread enough vaccination to eradicate common human-bourne-only diseases, then we could get to the point where most vaccinations are no longer needed.

Comment Re:Eat less (Score 3) 348

I don't think it's a matter of eating too much food as it having too much of our food be low nutrition or otherwise inappropriate food. If your body wants fat, and you cram it full of sugar, you aren't going to be filled, and you will shove your face through much more of it than your body needs in the process. Ironically, trying to eat healthy or trying to get others to eat healthy can be a big cause of this because it results in fighting and suppressing the urges of the body to meet its own needs.

Comment What if you don't sit still (Score 2) 348

We keep hearing about how bad sitting is for your health, but usually don't have much on the specific details. There's the sedentary element, which would be taken care of by exercise, but there's also apparent negative factors. However, not much research seems to try and nail down the specifics. Are people who are not in static positions, or bounce their leg not subject to these health effects? If so, it could be that a lot of children are naturally fighting for their health, much to the chagrin of strict teachers.

Also, do any of the negative effects apply, other than perhaps bone stress inherent to putting weight, to someone very active while sitting, such as a drummer?

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