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Comment Re:Take it from an African (Score 1) 146

If that musmax moron thinks he's an African, then I think we can nominate the resurrected Cecil Rhodes for leadership of the African Union next.
I used to have a lot of sympathy for the plight of the Boorish, but *every* time I read or hear from them directly, all that goes just straight out the window.
While many British have actually tried to improve the lot of the people in their adapted homelands, the Boors never had anything else to offer but racism and disgust for their host nations.

Time to get rid of them and deport 'em all back to the Low Countries.

Comment Re:Take it from an African (Score 1) 146

I'm an African, a white one that is. My progenitor arrived in the Cape of Good hope in 1697, the latest family register counts the member of white descendent of my family close to 6k, the number of brown/black descendants are unknown, those that kept the original family name and are classified "coloured*" are a 1000 or so, but I digress. Africa is indeed fucked up, this is primarily due to Africans, not Europeans or "Colonialists" but africans themselves. Africans are not simply less fortunate white people with black skin. They have fundamentally different world views and cognitive abilities. I cannot compete with a black African digging a ditch, he can keep at it for hours and hours, the last 30 years has seen most of the Olympic track and field go to black Africans. The average black African cannot plan or appreciate cause and effect to the degree that another member of the species would find to be "common sense". I believe this to be a wetware problem, not simply due to culture or lack of education or opportunities. This, of course makes me a racist, or at best, or a white supremacists. I have grown comfortable with that label. I'd rather be that than delusional.

I've also realised that most non african whites simply have no clue or opinions worth considering when it comes to race related matters. You have no clue, have no real experience dealing with people significantly more different than yourselves. Come to South Africa for the Soccer World Cup, you will gain what you lack. You might not like what you may become.

* Americans note: Your president is "coloured", not black, regardless of what he claims to be. If Africa had 10% of the calibre of Obama's the continent would be a unstoppable superpower. But be not alarmed, barring a mind-enhancing super virile pandemic mind-enhancing air-borne virus, infecting every african, your position is save.

Mr. you sound like a white boorish motherfucking a*hole and are about as African as Heinrich Himmler was.
To you I sing a "one settler, one bullet" any time of the day or night for free !

Take this from damn *real* African, who can trace his family tree back at least as far as you do and can show African freedom fighters in each and every generation of the same.
And I come from a country that had the nick name "white man's grave" during the colonial era - and I just love that one :-)

My Grandfather, Father, Uncles were/are *all* Engineers, Doctors and Academics of international acclaim.
I myself have managed 1000 server landscapes for international fortune 500 companies on 3 different continents.

You think your freaking white skin color makes you my better? I'll eat you up for breakfast and spit you out for lunch!

Comment Re:But a step is being missed (Score 1) 146

It pains me to see how little, next to nothin, you understand about Africa and its problems.

If you buy a Chinese clock radio instead of an african windup clock, then that African factory can never develop to build clock radio's.

What "African windup clock radio" are you talking about?!
And where, by the way, are the Dutch, German or American "windup clock radios"??
Have you ever been to a back country town in Africa?
Don't bother to reply to that one, I already know the answer.

What pacified the west? The telegraph. Telegraph lines were an essential part of conquering America,

So you got no clue about the American West either. Figures.
The COLT "pacified the West", and the railway helped conquer it.

The Telegraph had about as much to do with it as the electric light bulb had with literacy.
It helped, but it was not the root cause of it.

Skip it and you are a cargo-cult, completly dependent on a foreign entity,

Africa depends on Chinese goods, just like any country in Europe, the Americas, Australia or Asia does.
I just hope Africa will never have to again depend on as unqualified an advise as the one you're giving here.

Comment Re:Africa is fungible and unpleasant (Score 1) 146

To promote aid in most regions of Africa, you have to be prepared to deliver that aid against armed resistance, or accept that that aid might be coopted to feed the army that oppresses people who need aid. That's not really helping.

I really do want to help these folk, and I can think of no better way to do that than to repeat the message of the great (and missed) Sam Kinnison: Move to where the food is. You're in a freaking desert where things don't grow. MOVE.

I think Africa and the Africans will be just fine w/o your help or that of "the great and not so missed Sam Kinnison".
Last time I checked the age where white people were allowed to tell Africans where (not) to settle within their very own continent is thankfully over with.

Why don't you go to Las Vegas and tell the folks there to demolish their own town and move to where the water is?

Comment Re:Africa (Score 1) 146

It's interesting that people complain how Africa is a third world country and how we should help them, but interestingly everyone sets artificial restrictions on them and restricts them from the other world.

It is indeed interesting how many people feel compelled to give advise to Africans (advice being the worst vice of them all), w/o realizing that Africa ain't no country, but that is is the 2nd largest CONTINENT on planet earth.
And about as diverse as piece of real estate as it gets in our solar system.

Comment Re:For non-Canadians (Score 1) 641

Well I somewhat disagree here.
In an idealized world you can have a-political facts.
But fact is that we live in a human world, and as Akira Kurosawa already made clear in his famous movie Rashomon, the truth is in the eye of the beholder.

In a world of 10 commandments you had absolute truth.
In the world of a trillion factoids, everybody can support his/her own version of reality.

Comment Re:Who exactly is fighting back? (Score 1) 641

No one is saying "let's burn oil like there is no tomorrow". What people are saying is that it is cheaper to drill for oil than to catch the unicorn farts required to power our cars, heat/cool our homes, and drive our economy.

I agree with the whole "let's cut our dependence on foreign oil bit", but we are not going to do that by banning all domestic energy production. It will take the reasonable efficiency proposals from the liberals and combine them with the feasible domestic energy policies of the conservatives. This means that we drill ANWR and offshore. This means that we tax that oil and use the money for alternative energy research (AND NOTHING ELSE!). It means that we increase automobile efficiency standards. We build nuclear plants. We build wind farms. We do ALL of what is reasonable, not just what one side or the other wants.

But lets not do it in a such a way that gives more power to the government to control our lives.

The question I always wanted to ask a member of the "drill baby, drill" crowd and never had a chance to do so:
Which part of "fossil fuels are a finite source of energy" don't you either understand or reject?

Hope I finally get an answer to that one, as it is "drilling a hole inside of me".

And then of course I just love that part:
>But lets not do it in a such a way that gives more power to the government to control our lives.

Now what's up with that "cloaking every nonsense claim in an anti-government statement" and that in turn is supposed to give it credibility?!

Please let's not forget that it was those supposedly anti-government folks who brought us the Department of Homeland Security, Warrantless Wiretaps and used a blatant lie to justify invading a country that had never attacked American soil.

Talk about excessive abuse of government powers!

Comment You can run, but you can't hide (Score 1) 641

Pro global-warming climate scientists have been hiding away in the closet for decades.
Fighing battles in court for years on end to keep their research data secret from prying, undeserving eyes.
Acting like the all knowing high priests of a cult of earth salvation, where the ignorant masses are required to put their blind faith into the words of that cult, which at times seems more geared towards the occult, than to the laws of reason.

I for one accept the notion that the earth's climate is warming up and that man has a role to play in that.

But the abysmal arrogance of many in the climate community is at times bewildering to me.
They are being paid with taxpayer money for their research, yet they file lawsuits to keep their data hidden aways a "private intellectual property"?

They gather away at closed door international meetings, with politicians and leaders of industry, where they elect non-scientific spokespeople and political appointees to make deals that affect us all - and those deals are then presented to the general public in a "take it or leave it" kind of way.

Researches who "fudge" their data, and claim they have a right to do so, because they think they are entitled to "correct nature" when it fails to confirm their predictions.

More than once I thought that its the climate researches who are the heirs of the tobacco industry in this fight.

Comment Re:Silence != Truth (Score 2, Interesting) 164

quote: The third - and this is where I put on my tinfoil hat - is that the US maintains stores of weapons grade anthrax in contradiction to our biological warfare treaty obligations that someone, probably Ivins, pilfered.
Spot on! I think that is exactly what could have happened, as all else just doesn't make any sense.
Silly conspiracy theories like "Dick Cheney" did it, overlook the lynching party that would have happened on Capitol Hill, would that have ever come out.
Its not like those lawmakers would have appreciated attempts to kill them in one of the most gruesome manners imaginable.

But the US secretly hidding that stuff and then someone getting his hands on it for abusive purposes, would explain why they would be covering it up - and even why Obama also would not announce the truth about it now.
If it would have been only "evil Bush" people that did it, it would give the Dems the ammo they'd need to get rid of Rep competition for decades to come.

But imagine the scandal of US presidents since Jimmy Carter & Ronald Reagan secretly hidding tons of that stuff underground. The US could never, ever again credibly demand that rogue regimes do not engage in Biological warfare research.

This way even the most liberal regime in DC would have to hide such truths, or they'd loose all credibility on WMD issues.

Comment Re:It's users I hate (Score 1) 385

My favorite part of the day - kill the user sessions when preparing for a system reboot.
I love technology, but I hate my systems @ work with a vengeance.
They're all messed up, or if I just got them set the right way, it'll only take a few weeks and the users messed everything up again :-(

Comment Re:Scientific Evidence (Score 1) 520

quote:The agile crowd claims that having all the developers together increases productivity because you might overhear a conversation and be able to contribute something of use. I tried that once and it only got me into trouble. People do not(!) appreciate it if you just "chip into" their conversation w/o being invited. Specially if you are either dead on right (makes someone else look bad) or dead on wrong (makes you look even worse) with your comment.

Comment Re:Ask your team (Score 1) 520

Hey man, I just *love* your reply. Managers are so intentionally, utterly clueless about how to treat their people that often I think its part of their job description. Like in the old British Army were officers were told not to mingle to much with "the common soldier". Why the heck does he put this question on slashdot in the first place? Doesn't he trust his people or what? Does he have nothing but children working for him? Those developers should be groWn adults, SO JUST GO AND ASK THEM WHAT THEY WANT!

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