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Comment Re:Ugh.. (Score 1) 307

Well said, I tend to base my decisions on the platforms, not so much left or right ideals. I only brought up the greens, because they are radically different then any of the mainline parties. (and similar to the pirate party.) I think having too many parties in the race muddies the waters, and makes it difficult to form effective government. I mean this is what, three in seven years? Here's hoping no matter the outcome, they figure out a way to make it work for a full term.

Comment Re:Ugh.. (Score 1) 307

Gilles Duceppe Has done some great things for Quebec, and surprisingly the rest of Canada. By virtue of taking a stand on provincial rights in Canadian government, he have improved federal dealing for all the provinces. He's a smart well spoken man, your not the only non Quebecois would vote for him. As of late he's even relented on separatism, because his people arn't really interested at the moment. Isn't that what a good politician is supposed to do? Follow the will of the people that elected them.

Comment Re:Ugh.. (Score 5, Interesting) 307

Seeing as I'm Canadian as well I'll give up modding in this thread to say this. We have fresh blood in the green party. (witch happens to agree with a lot of what pirate parties have traditional stood for.) Win or lose, voting the party you truly have the most ideals in common with is more important than ever. In Canada each party now receives funding based on what percentage of the vote they receive. As opposed to the way it was a few years ago, where they only got funding based on the number seats they won. No vote is a throw away vote any more.

Comment Re:DMCA broken (Score 1) 212

I don't think it sucked per say, just they ran out time to make it work, it would have also ment there was nothing familar in the ps3, witch would slowed the first wave of games even more than their "revolutionary" design already had. Your also forgetting the whole setup is memory starved, putting extra pressure on the cell to have high throughput, leaving little room on the cells to do graphics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_(microprocessor)#Video_processing_card it can be done, just not in any way we're used to. Ground up development is slow.

Comment Re:Can you imagine (Score 1) 212

It says 360 right in the link address and the title of the chart "bo 360 System Performance - Draft" granted it appears to be and old link, from before the 360 was actually released. Maybe that is the source of your confusion? It was the first hit on Google anyhow. And Google couldn't be wrong could it? /scarcasm

Comment Re:DMCA broken (Score 3, Interesting) 212

AFAK The original design of the ps3 didn't even have a GPU, the cell is more than capable. Those 10,000$ IBM cell blades, they are designed for high level graphics processing, to be sold to the likes of Pixar and such. (Note: I do not know if Pixar is using them, its an example.) I'm not sure why Sony ended up going with Nvidia GPU's. Possibly because they were already late to the game, the game dev's were pretty pissed off about having almost nothing they could port easily, and Nvidia was the compromise. I had Linux in mine, with a bit of hacking you could get the frame buffer to run out of the GPU's memory, witch made the memory crunch suck less. Had Other OS remained I'm sure some one could have built a 3D driver on top of a couple of the cells. I read rumours that a plan was being hatched before Sony pissed on the fire and raised a stink.

Comment Re:Earth is BIG (Score 2) 361

The article points to a few methods the amino acids could be produced in nature, (including underwater vents) and the experiment seems to back that up. So given that amino acids are not that hard to produce, the question of life isn't what caused the amino acids to form (because similar conditions exist on other planets in our own solar system and beyond.) The question is what caused the amino acids to begin to form the complex chains that actually are life.

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