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Comment Re:stfu. (Score 1) 263

Posting to ruin my mod rights for this story because I meant to mod you up but my wrist slipped.

Seriously. I believe the US is guilty of many things, but this story is just brain dead hogwash.

Hey Europe: If you have better alternatives to US-based Internet tools, uh, fucking use them? Are you seriously enduring cross-Atlantic lag and sending money for subscriptions, services, and ad exposures/clicks to another country, and then bitching that we accept that money you voluntarily dished our way?

You... you want us to apologize for how awesome our ONE and ONLY area of ...not even dominance, just competitive viability... is?

Dude, as a Linux user speaking to a region which is so very FOSS-friendly as Europe... nobody's forcing you to use US websites. Ehrmegerd.

I guess even Europe grows village idiots who become politicians... lest we Yanks think we had a monopoly on that.

Comment re: What do you think? (Score 1) 277

I think it's hilarious every time people pretend Nintendo is down for the count and out of the fight.

As an outside observer (who watches journalistic sources like Gametrailers and Angry Joe, but not shills like Kotaku) I've noticed (and welcomed) how Nintendo is finally open to criticism. It's understandable that they were so beloved for so long that it took a while before anyone would deign honest reviews or criticisms.

But there we have it - the big N has finally hit a point where it's not viewed as being made of pure Holy Materia. That transition is huge and it might FEEL like a fall from grace, but it's more of a fall into grace.

In related news, the PC is still not dead ;)

Comment Re:Excellent. (Score 1) 283

Hmm, desperate North Americans having burned their global rep until their global rep burned them back... too defeated by destitution and low education that they eventually turn feral... their only higher brain function being the ability to barely maintain a shotgun empire founded on racism and paranoia...

Legit comment is SO legit.

Comment Re:another one? (Score 1) 283

I personally like ST:Phase 2 quite a lot. It's jarring seeing the cast change every episode, though...

All's I can say is, if JJ can make an alternate timeline, the floodgates are open. Send forth the Kirk clones.

Better yet, send forth the Picard clones. If any part of Trek canon needs to be forked from Last Known Good, it's TNG.

Comment HTML5 (Score 2) 227

It's impossible for a UI framework to stay relevant for more than a few years, unless it's based around a slow-moving standard too big for corporate interests or bottom-lines to affect.

Your choice to use something other than HTML5 because HTML5 wasn't ready yet, was good. However, you probably should have used something HTML4 related at that time.

As someone who's been predicting Qt's demise ever since he learned Nokia had bought it, I can only shrug and wish I'd been there to tell you so.

Do not rely on corporate frameworks, ESPECIALLY open source ones. Corporations treat open source projects as hot potatoes the second money gets tight. They only keep them on board to reduce costs and gain a little PR magic with the less-cynical geeks. As soon as it starts costing resources to improve and especially if the non-paying user base gets uppity (which, as a monied stakeholder, you can't control), out the window it goes.

Since corporations get their fingers into everything they rely on, your rule of thumb should be the ratio of unattached volunteers (those working on the project in their spare time regardless of who they work for -- meaning their employer had no influence on their choice to volunteer with that project). If total project brain drain is just one cost-cutting decision away, that framework is dead code walking.

Comment Re:Didn't they learn from Microsoft? (Score 1) 362

Seems to me that Netscape/Mozilla/Firefox has always tried to position itself as the enterprise alternative. From that POV, this move makes sense to me.

But then again, I disable Java in my browsers manually.

This still won't make me update past Firefox 14 or use it for more than a very limited utility... someone wake me up when they restore plaintext+links dragdrop of tabular data.

Comment Re:Unfriendly Elitists (Score 1) 372


Force editors to follow their own rules about notability. Sanction editors very, very harshly when they let their content preferences get in the way.

If one editor's personal views prevent 200 other editors from choosing to contribute, the importance of one embedded editor falls into proper perspective.

Until then, they can have my clicks and $5 every couple years, and that's it.

Comment Heh (Score 1) 655

If I go through these comments and find anybody is surprised by this, I will spend the ENTIRE DAY LAUGHING.

College education is a complete waste of time for most IT jobs. You come out of it with zero relevant training and typically no more skilled in the fundamentals than when you went in.

Unless, that is, you grew up lacking a passion for tech. If you weren't into tech growing up, you might need oh wait nevermind, there are internets and libraries. And they don't waste your time forcing you to drive for 90 minutes of lowest-common-denominator pacing.

College - it's going the way of paper news.

Comment Ignore the Luddite fashionistas, even the geeks (Score 1) 214

The real question: if you have a problem with wearable computers, are you automatically a luddite with an irrelevant opinion?

Yes. Yes, those people will soon be living in the past. Congrats, everyone who has the word "glasshole" in their vocabulary, you are now old, crotchety, and a problem in the eyes of progress.

I recommend everyone just use their devices to find better people to be around. If a harmless worn object (whether it's a computer or a mullet) causes you to be ostracized, you live in the presence of harmful heels who should be relegated to their own fire-fearing circles.

I got picked on for being a nerd in school too, and I still hold grudges about it and always will, but I'm not going to take it out on people just because I'm envious that I can't afford a Glass. And I'm certainly not going to disguise choking-on-my-twisted-panties as some kind of argument against progress.

Insert exasperated, immature language here.

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