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Comment Re:Concerned Women for America (CWA) (Score 5, Funny) 204

You know that "You wouldn't download a car" adage? Well, Jesus would and could.

He distributed illegal copies of bread and fish (see, no theft, just copying) depriving fishermen and bakers of their profits and circumvented DRM to upgrade water to wine bypassing the winery and proper grapes fermentation process.

Comment Re:Flip Side (Score 1) 378

Yes, because "Bah, say when" isn't coordination. Just make them tell you when's re-foobarization scheduled and then say "Great, 7-9AM is free, keep it so, and we'll roll in updates." and write it all down for both sides' future reference.

There are purely technical jobs in IT, but majority is still about working with people. Communication skills is a must. Consider yourself extended man-machine interface, because that's what we are, essentially.

Comment Re:Flip Side (Score 1) 378

Yes, having someone who can properly rephrase "We didn't finish re-foobarization process because IT does updates" to "This process takes N hours and costs X dollars. If it's interrupted, it has to be restarted, taking N hours and X dollars again. In this month we lost X*42 dollars due to untimely forced reboots. We need IT department to work with us on coordinating this issue" is the value of good management.

People higher up are usually quite good at understanding numbers, as in "losses of X dollars" and "N hours of lost productivity".

Comment Re:Flip Side (Score 1) 378

Who do you mean by "Call IT"? Calling low-level IT drones won't help you much, they just implement policies - if they're worth their pay, though, they should point towards people who write policies.

If it keeps happening, then you're calling wrong people. Usually, just showing the losses to someone up the chain would be enough for IT management to get instructed (hard and without lube) not to do it again and "Don't touch this system without go-ahead from Anonymous Coward" in big red letters to appear in the policies.

Comment Re:BASIC is an awful language (Score 1) 783

How many modules will you now have to load? How many APIs will you now have to learn?

Usually, you're one import('...') away from LINE, PLOT and CIRCLE likes.

Many are just packaged as "game engines". For example, Lua has LÃve - I think it's not much harder to save something like

function love.draw()
    for x=1, 255 do
        for y=1, 255 do
  *2, y*2, x*2+1, y*2+1)

to main.lua and run it with "love ."

Comment Re:We do, it's called JavaScript. (Score 1) 783

It's possible, just not on mobile. There's older FileReader API which lets you read files after user selects them through standard <input type="file"> field or drag-n-drops them onto browser window, and there's FileSystem API which lets you request a sandboxed piece of FS where you can do whatever you want.

Neither is available on iOS and only FileReader on Android.

Comment Re:Why BASIC? What for? (Score 2) 783

Hate to break it to you, but it's not innovation, it's a new iteration of old idea at best. Graphical drag-n-drop IDEs count is in dozens, and they all do and will suck. Just because you didn't see any before doesn't mean it's something revolutionary.

All of them, except for those targeted at kids in elementary school, have the only redeeming quality - good old "code block" element, which - GASP - requires keyboard and typing code. Without it, they're even more of a head-ache than old 8-bit BASICs for anything outside of "Hello, world!"-ish range.

Comment Re:Why BASIC? What for? (Score 1) 783

Being able to "script" things together by dragging items/objects/commands together into sequences and combining these sequences in various ways

Your "revolution" was done so many times and in so many ways, and it always stumbles into the "make it simple enough for even fool to use and only fool would use it" problem.

Graphical programming scales incredibly bad - doing simple things is OK, but once you step away from trivial 5-10 line scripts it all devolves in colorful spaghetti.

Comment Re:Why BASIC? What for? (Score 2) 783

You _might_ get it to in a very specific cases, like when "c = a + b" is a part of basic block where data-flow analysis tells you that a and b are absolutely guaranteed to be plain ints on input.

Even then you still get something like "unpack a and b from tagged value representation, check for overflow, just do asm("add a,b") if no overflow, add_and_promote_to_big_int(a,b) if overflowed, add type tag, store c".

In most cases though you get extra weight like 'look-up JIT cache for this combination of parameter types, jump there if i'm lucky, update counters and interpret it or JIT compile it if not" and so on, and so on, and so on.

You might get decent output in some cases, but in general optimizing dynamically typed languages is hard or sometimes just impossible.

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