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Submission + - Liberal and Conservative Mindsets - For Real

McLuhanesque writes: A recent study published in Nature Neuroscience shows neurological differences in brain activity between people who are relatively left- or right-wing politically. "Political scientists and psychologists have noted that, on average, conservatives show more structured and persistent cognitive styles, whereas liberals are more responsive to informational complexity, ambiguity and novelty. We tested the hypothesis that these profiles relate to differences in general neurocognitive functioning using event-related potentials, and found that greater liberalism was associated with stronger conflict-related anterior cingulate activity, suggesting greater neurocognitive sensitivity to cues for altering a habitual response pattern." No wonder liberals and conservatives can never see eye-to-eye. They aren't even able to think brain-to-brain!

Comment Marketers Just Don't Understand Marketing (Score 1) 252

The big problem is that pretty much every marketer today is stuck in the "fogey generation," completely trained and immersed in the traditional understanding of marketing that came from an industrialized model. They see SL, and other forms of online interaction no differently than they see (saw) TV, radio, newspapers and billboards - as "channels" to communicate their message, image, and brand.

With a generation of people who have grown up in a massively interconnected world, traditional marketing principles are turned on their head. A presence in SL just ain't going to cut it. Marketers are going to need to figure out how the contemporary world functions in all its interconnected complexity, and change their ways accordingly.

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