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Comment Re:Word Of Mouth Kept People Away (Score 1) 640

Ironic, since the blue willie is about as non-sexual as you can get without explicitly stating "this penis is not meant to be taken sexually". I'd even say it's pointedly non-sexual: he's transcended the human state, his body is really just a convenient shell, and he has pretty much started to lose sight of what the whole point of sex is (as the plot shows you).

I agree and thought it was pretty obvious as to why he didn't wear clothes. By the time I had to explain it to the third person, though, I began to understand the argument that the comic would not translate well into a movie.

Comment Word Of Mouth Kept People Away (Score 1) 640

I had not seen it until this last Tuesday. Before that, I had talked to eight different people and only one person recommended it. Everyone else said it was pretty bad. Around here (central part of the US), it was Dr. Manhattan's package that those seven people were turned off by (my sister said it was like watching porn) and not the violence, which this being the US, I shouldn't be too surprised by. Having read the comic, I knew what to expect and thought the movie wasn't bad. It was way too long, though, and I enjoyed the ending of the comic more so than how they ended the movie. All that said, never underestimate how much word of mouth can kill a movie.

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