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Comment Re:How many dates though? (Score 1) 188 you tell me. This date has lasted 8 years, 3 cars, 2 houses, and 3 kids. She just won't take a hint....but I don't want to be rude.

Resurrect your old OKCupid profile and start going on dates. Make it a point to come home with lipstick kisses, or smelling of perfume, or with your shirt misbuttoned. She'll take the hint.

Comment Re:But it's QUANTUM! (Score 4, Funny) 105

Just like digital improves the quality of everything.

Except music, if you're an audiophile who prefers vinyl.

I don't care one way or the other about the audio, but I'm a true hipster videophile, and I insist on watching everything on VHS. It's hard to describe, but VHS gives a warmer, softer, smoother picture without all those annoying dots distracting you from the filmmaker's true vision.

Comment Re:Every person must be technically knowledgeable. (Score 1) 89

Have each company rated by everyone who goes to the show.

Seriously? Most people won't even bother to fill out your surveys, and the few that do will probably "grade on the curve(s)" and give the hottest women the benefit of the doubt, at the expense of the those who are "plainly" more knowledgeable. You'd probably get lots of technical people voted out and even more bimbos voted in.

Comment Re:But Still Only Every 100,000 years (Score 1) 325

Clearly you are well intentioned but out of touch with the reality of today's government spending issues.

Let's use the website as an example. It cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Any, and I mean any, space related government project, let alone a permanent base somewhere, is going to cost hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Worse yet, it's going to need a web site of its own:

Comment Re:A projection of what? (Score 5, Insightful) 433

One can manipulate math to to describe or answer pretty much anything you want. Just because the equations match what's happening does not mean they describe what's going on.

Who cares? As long as the equations match what's happening (and what's going to happen), does it matter what's "really" going on? We've been doing quantum mechanics for almost a century now, and still no one actually knows what it all means - but we're perfectly happy to take advantage of QM in our technology.

Comment Re:FSVO "about" (Score 1) 171

We're still talking about two events that are outside of each others light cones. In order for an observer to observe both events at all, let alone ascribe them an order in time, he'd have to be travelling faster than the speed of light.

No, the observer just needs to be situated so that both events are in his past light cone. That's completely independent of whether they're in each other's past or future light cones.


Comment Re:FSVO "about" (Score 1) 171

It will affect us eventually, when both light cones get large enough to intersect. That is, unless they are far enough away that the expansion of the universe outpaces the growth of the light cone

Sure, but that's not the point - relativity talks about "events" which are particular points in space and in time. You're treating "us" as a point in space but a line in time.

Wouldn't such an observer be moving faster than the speed of light?

Nope - that's the whole point. Relativity is actually pretty simple (special relativity, anyway), but you have to get past a couple of things, and one of the biggies is that space and time don't work the way you think they do. Your "common sense" has jumped to unwarranted conclusions based on severely limited experience, and until you can let that go you'll struggle to fit relativity into a worldview that it doesn't fit in.

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