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Comment Re:Not UNIX like anymore (Score 1) 826

> You don't need tail, and you don't need to point to some particular daemon's separate logfile when using journactl.
> First, the journal contains all logs on the system, so there is no need to hunt around for various logs like "access".
THIS is the problem. journald is your syslog, my favourite program does not use it. and now?
Then imagine, everyone would behave like poettering. Hey, for my favourite program, you need another "view logs" command! And for mine, another, too!

No. Lets keep it textfiles, which can be used with textfile programs.

Comment Re:Not UNIX like anymore (Score 1) 826

> The same command on systemd is "journalctl -f" . Notice how you don't need to give a path. Notice that in both instances you need a executable (tail vs journalctl) to view the logs.
And there is the Problem.
File+Minimal Utility -> SystemD specific tool.
The tail command can easily pointed to the next file, i.e. /var/log/apache/access.log, for systemd you need to remember the tool. Now imagine, every program would bring its own "view my logs" tool ...

> That is a perfect description of the tools in systemd.
its not. see your own example.

Comment Re:Choosing Sides (Score 1) 826

1) Most Initscripts background themself. If they do not so, they usually have a reason to do so.
2) Daemons can be monitored and will be monitored on a good system. If you want some restart/... facility, DO NOT put it into init (which should init and nothing else), but use something like supervisord
3) It's just not its job and causes more problems, than it solves.

Comment Re:Not UNIX like anymore (Score 1) 826

so, there was tail -f /var/log/syslog, now you need an own tool.

Unix: Everything is a file, small general purpose tools, which do one thing well.

yeah, more like tail on a logfile than using a *ctl tool. And a initsystem running just a sequence of commands instead of trying to manage daemons in containers ... if i want a daemon to run in an own cgroup, i set it up to do so.

Comment Re:It's not possible (Score 1) 611

The model exists and is called flattr. It does not work that good, i guess for serveral reasons:
- The amount of money you need to spend per month is only 2 Eur
- Initially everyone needed to pay, now you can receive without paying yourself iirc. So they'll have many "i hope i get flattred but do not contribute myself" users.
- They have a "like" Button, which needs thirdparty scripts and so on, so it gets blocked by antitracking addons, noscript, adblock, etc. instead of a browseraddon for the contributing user.

Comment Re:That's it? (Score 1) 611

They cannot win. There are more people with the urge to block, than adblocker-blockers.
The best they can get, is to lose the adblocking visitors.

you followed the story about gmx, 1&1 and other united internet services, which called adblock a malware? Except from streisand, they got a very bad reputation in the media as well.

Comment Re:That's it? (Score 1) 611

have a look at flattr. you pay a fixed amount anyway, whether you spend it or not. if you like something, you click a button, in the end of the month, your money gets distributed. that way, the click does not cost anything you don't pay anyway, so you can click without thinking about the cost.

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