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Comment Re:The story behind whatsapp plus (Score 1) 192

Okay, the new part was the "we destroy your data" DRM was new to me. A good thing WhatsApp is doing something against, as it seriously can damage their reputation. BUT they should not tell the user "YOU are violating our TOS" (even when its a correct fact), but tell them "your inofficial client does harmful things, better use the original one". And at least one user should sue WA+ for this.

For the "seen is not updated" issue you need to blame WA. A server should never trust user input. If the last seen should be updated when the last seen of another user is retrieved, then you need to update it when the other timestamp is retrieved. For the blue checkmarks ... you cannot prove somebody read it, you may only prove the window was open. So do it like threema: let the user send a "i have read it" message. Of course your client can send it by default, but you cannot rely on all clients to send it, so do not tell the users its reliable. its a feature, not a basic function.

Comment The only real alternative is real XMPP (Score 1) 192

You see the problem here? Centralization. Microsoft could never Ban a OutlookPlus user from E-Mail ... because the server is not theirs.

Okay, lets use another app. Maybe threema? Secure (maybe), encrypted, not hosted in the US of A. Sounds great, fuck you NSA.
Wait ... where do i configure the server? Nowhere, it uses its own. Maybe it will block other thirdparty clients? Maybe they will introduce a fee? Maybe they get insolvent and out of business? Who knows ...

Decentralization matters ... what else? Proven protocols and proven crypto. So XMPP and OTR ist the (only?) answer.

Have a look at Conversations.

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