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Comment Re:List the STL? Seriously? (Score 1) 479

Of course, the STL was written by Stepanov before C++ was standardized. What the interviewer probably meant to ask about is the C++ standard library, which is similar but different. Or maybe they really were asking about the STL, in which case I wholeheartedly agree that bullets were dodged.

Comment Re:Programming: You're doing it completely wrong (Score 1) 120

lambdas can be faster than say, function pointers, mostly because the compiler can have more information about pointer aliasing. They should be a wash speed-wise relative to loops. Also, you say functors, which can take a few forms; this can be a callable object (e.g. a struct with its operator() overloaded, no templates needed), a stored lambda function, or a std::function object (e.g. as created through std::bind, lambdas, etc). They all look rather different; do you find all of them unreadable? Not all of them require 'enormous' header files

Comment Re:Templates all over again (Score 1) 427

Not as many as possible. Use the right tool for the right job, as always. But don't rule out libraries because they use templates -- that's downright silly. Templates are made for writing generic code, which maps very well to libraries. Lastly, I don't claim to be a *good* programmer, but I do at least make an effort to understand the language that I'm using.

Comment Re:Is the complexity of C++ a practical joke? (Score 1) 427

Might I ask what you feel to be unpleasant about C++11's additions? Do you have any specific cases in mind?

A lot of people will (and do) use the =delete syntax. Prior to that you would have to declare the method as being private, but this wasn't perfect. Class friend and member functions could still access them, and the errors would only be detected at link time. Alternately you could use boost noncopyable, but you can't always use boost. With the =delete syntax, errors are detected at compile time, and provide some semantic information about your code to anyone reading it.

Also, it's actually 6 implicit functions that compilers generate; you forgot about the copy-assignment and move-assignment operators.

Comment Re:Templates all over again (Score 1) 427

Sorry but this is nonsense. Templates aren't any slower than hand-written code. Compilers may have had problems with templates a decade ago, but template support among the major compilers nowadays are very solid and consistent.

You say "many programmers minimize their use of templates, both in their own code and in their use of templated library code" -- are you saying "many" programmers writing C++ don't use boost or the standard library? Because that too is nonsense. Many bad programmers perhaps?

Lastly, partial specialization is very convenient for performing compile time recursion, which is pretty essential to template metaprogramming.

Comment Re:Multiple Return Types? (Score 1) 427

When is C++ going to natively support multiple return types? i.e.

float sin, cos, angle; sin, cos := SinCos( angle );

Right now we can use a struct hack, but native support would be appreciated.

You could always just return a tuple, then use tie on the caller side. To use your example,

std::tuple SinCos(float angle) {
return std::make_tuple(sin, cos);

float sin, cos;
std::tie(sin, cos) = SinCos(angle);

Also, your last question isn't really a question, is it?

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