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Comment Easy Militia States (Score 1) 1633

States that want lax gun laws would just create State Militias that were mostly unreguluated. These would be sepperate from the national guard. These would basically be gun clubs. In places like Kentucky a 14 year old would be able to join. The only service requirement would be taking a NRA gun class. I guess you would also need to say the pledge of allegiance.

Comment Re:Wait What??? (Score 1) 612

I suggesting they are name dropping Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to make their claims sound more plausable. I bet the following statements are just as true/false.

Newtons First Law of Motion allows a small region of empty space to come into existence probabilistically due to quantum fluctuations

The Pythagorean Theorem allows a small region of empty space to come into existence probabilistically due to quantum fluctuations

Comment Re:Added benefit (Score 1) 104

With raw foods it is about the low quality food that poor urban people consume. Raw milk might not kill you at a French New York Restaurant. But it has certainly killed lots of urban poor people. Raw milk was banned as a way of limiting TB. In 1815, one in four deaths in England was due to "consumption". Anti-biotics and a vacines have reduced the risks of eating raw foods. (but only if you have good health care)

Comment 4k (Score 1) 135

I don't think this headset is first. I think I recall palmer or cormack talking about 4k when they discussed the headsets they tried prior to developing the rift. That 4k was one of the requirements for some defense application. I suppose this might be the first prototype 2.5k display whose parts cost less than 10 grand.

Comment Re:Use a Dictionary (Score 1) 1116

Not sure how California law defines it but in my book, politics is people and corporations, organizations, laws and policies are not people.


Politics is people, my friend

I think read you post just fine. You define politics twice.
I'm being a bit of troll but dictionaries tend to define single words. So you would take the adjective political and apply it to the noun campaign.

a series of activities designed to produce a particular result

a series of military battles, attacks, etc., designed to produce a particular result in a war

So a referendum on goverement laws is a political campaign. Of course this is all meaningless. We are being used in a few people's private squabble over who runs Mozilla. Someone leaked dirt on thier boss so they could be the new boss.

Comment Use a Dictionary (Score 2) 1116

When your not sure what words mean you should use a dictionary. That way you can understand things when people communicate to you. If you make up your own definitions people will think your ignorant.
Politics: noun plural but singular or plural in construction

activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government

the work or job of people (such as elected officials) who are part of a government

the opinions that someone has about what should be done by governments : a person's political thoughts and opinions

Comment Enforcement (Score 3, Insightful) 273

I don't see how you could enforce the priority lane. Suppose someone stubburn pulls into the lane without the proper plate. What do you do? Push their car into a ditch? You either have big argument while one of you lanes is closed, use violence, or have it work on a honor system and hope the cheaters don't cause a pile up.

Comment Re:Non-divisive "reality" competitions can be fun (Score 1) 465

The backstabbing reality show is a different beast than the skill based reality shows. Iron Chef, American Idol, Project Runway, and Star Search don't emphasize that kind of drama. If they do it at all they use the judges instead of the contestants. They balance out a mean judge with a nice one. Instead they focus on the drama created by stressfull live performance.

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