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Comment No long term consistency (Score 4, Informative) 340

That's the biggest problems with shifts in power, especially if parties change every four years. One party spends four years getting something in place, or sets some long term goals, and then next election someone else comes in and changes it all. So they spend all the time and money getting one thing spun up and then it gets canned and they spend the next four years doing something else and it may be canned.

Gotta be a better way.

Comment Hard to remember back to 1992 (Score 1) 867

Am trying to remember the beginning days from the 0.98 or so era in 92. Was using 386BSD for a bit then decided to go to Linux (or perhaps I had them both going...had CP/M installed then too.) I think the first was a boot disk and a root filesystem disk. Then there were all the different disk images for GCC, and so on. rawrite it to a disk in dos, tar vfxM in Linux. Token ring at college, so no networking for me :( First real distribution was SLS, followed by Slackware, which was the main one for a while. Used RedHat at workt, and then Debian (about 1998). Since then, it's been Debian. There are a couple things I use uBuntu for, but that's pretty much the same.

Don't care about the free philosophy behind it, and don't really think it's perfect, but it is the one that has felt right. Have touched RedHat and SuSE since then because of things based on it, and still come back to Debian and uBuntu.

Comment Ha on HP (Score 1) 153

For everytime I had to call for support, or try to use their itrc, or everytime I had to come up with a model number from a device that had 20 different numbers on it, none of them matching the format they expected, for everytime I had to deal with HPUX...serves them right.

Comment Re:Whoops (Score 1) 510

Not all schools have labs. With laptops and netbooks costing less than some textbooks, the schools realize why should they pay all the money for lab upkeep when it's easier just to push that out onto the students, charge them a fee and put some wifi in.

Comment Guess it depends on how old you are (Score 3, Insightful) 444

well...what languages you started with. Looking at that, the c++ based code is perfectly readable, but I can't make heads or tails of the other. In fact, reminds me of perl and objectiveC - just start hitting all those shifted characters - they each signify something special.

Am waiting for :
Draw Pacman;
Draw Ghosts;
Ghosts chase pacman;
Pacman follows joystick movement;

Comment Re:Microsoft helps the internet (Score 1) 302

AFAIK, no versions of DOS were written with TCP/IP. Version 3.1 had support for Microsoft Networks, and 4 or 5 ish you started to see some of the NDIS stuff. And lets not forget all the joyful NetBIOS stuff. However, it wasn't really until Winsock came out that there was any sort of TCP/IP support in MS products. Before that, there were a lot of shareware/freeware type implementations that you could use, with the packet driver interface becoming pretty popular. But all addon's.

DOS 3.1 and bulletin boards - if not earlier. And the only ports usually involved there were COM1, COM2, etc... not TCP/IP ports. Completely different beast and not related.

WfW was the first thing that MS had an addon for to do TCP/IP, and then Win95 shipped with it.

So yes, DOS and Windows up til 95 shipped without TCP/IP support, and din't monitor thie "myriad of ports" (65535 actually, and it's not like they are being created and added to - it's a 16bit unsigned int.

Why do I feel like I'm feeding trolls here?

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