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Comment Re:let me correct that for you. (Score 2) 619

There is a famous east German joke A customer orders a Trabant car. The salesman tells him to come back to pick it up in nine years. The customer: "Shall I come back in the morning or in the evening then?" The salesman: "You're joking, aren't you." The customer: "No, not at all. It's just that I need to know whether the plumber can come at 3pm or not."

Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 1) 533

well you could have less government but would mean stripping the states of a lot of powers which wont happene. Having one set of uniform tax and employment laws would save a lot of money. It makes no sense in the 21st century for the USA to have 52 sets of employment law plus federal employment laws

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