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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 4 accepted (10 total, 40.00% accepted)


Submission + - The Reverse Geocache Puzzle Box

whitefox writes: An enterprising friend of the bride & groom hands them a wedding gift. They unwrap it to find a locked, wooden box the size of a book with a small LCD screen and a single button. When they press the button, assuming a GPS signal is available, a message appears:

Bonsoir, famille Immel!
This is attempt 2 of 50.
Distance 391km
*Access Denied*
Powering off...

What follows is an interesting story on the creation of a puzzle box that will only unlock itself when it's in the right geographic location and its presentation to the newlyweds. A follow-up sequel to the story is now available.


Submission + - It's official - March 14th is National Pi Day

whitefox writes: The scoop from CNet is that the "The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a resolution introduced two days earlier that designates March 14, 2009 (3/14, get it?) as National Pi Day. It urges schools to take the opportunity to teach their students about Pi and 'engage them about the study of mathematics.'" I doubt it'll ever become a national holiday — but the Pi string in the article is pretty cool in a nerdy, sorta way.

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