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Comment Re:Let the market/customer decide is BOTH way (Score 1) 520

How would that help. If you don't use Youtube then you won't get traffic from Youtube so whatever they do won't affect you. That whatever ISP you use don't sell a connection under 25MBps (if that really is the case) has nothing to do with net neutrality, even with the change that you propose you would still be forced to pay the for your 25MBps connection and with the same price.

Comment Re:Good...? (Score 1) 279

tail of a file is nothing more than exporting the content of that file, it doesn't matter if the file was in binary or text, that you could tail or cat from it is what is important and that has not changed. If your older log couldn't been found then that is a problem with log rotation and has nothing to do with wither the log was binary or text in it's storage format.

Comment Re:Whats wrong with init? (Score 1) 279

And if I'm not mistaken your script can be set to start when /var/run/mysql.socket becomes ready instead of being started directly after /etc/init.d/mysql started and the mysql process decides to do a major table check so that the server is not accessible for 5 minutes which makes your daemon exit with an error since the database was not available at start.

Comment Re:or stop hiding... (Score 2, Informative) 377

Look at how long it took the UK courts to decide that he really should be extradited to Sweden. That too me shows that the UK system kind of works. When he gets over here to Sweden the question of extradition to the US would not be a court matter but a matter for the Foreign Minister and thus could happen in seconds. At least in the UK he has some protection against that.

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
