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User Journal

Journal Journal: Well, this is a bummer 1

So now this place wants to look like a cross between Lollipop and iOS!


Okay, it's not entirely yucky. I can zoom all the way in now and line wrap works! Yay!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Thank you, Slashdot! 1

The archives are a very nice touch.

You know, not to be ungrateful or anything, but since you have all this money now, it would be cool if we could access our entire comment history as well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Price of oil too low? No problem! 4

The simple solution is to devalue the dollar (and keep doing business with the Saudis like 9/11 never happened, bastards). This is like putting less into the package instead of raising the price to make inflation stats look good. Market manipulation is so cool..

User Journal

Journal Journal: You need more proof that republicans work for the democrats? 1

Sarah Palin is Co-Chair of Ready for Hillary's National Finance Council!

And you dummies keep on insisting that I'm the idiot. That's okay, *proceed*, and you'll get your Hillary, the next best thing to Saint Ronnie himself.

This JE is a preemptive 'I told you so' (shhh!).

I still think she'll do better to go after Kissinger's gig. From there she can direct the next six to eight presidents. Perish the thought!

"If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle."

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