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Comment Re:Legacy (Score 3, Insightful) 706

... and expanding the PATRIOT Act, and signing the NDAA complete with extraordinary rendition of American clause, and claiming that the murder of innocent women and children via drone is entirely justifiable because "maybe there was a bad guy there once," etc., etc.

Obama's true legacy, the one history will remember, won't be healthcare or net neutrality - he'll be remembered as "Shrub's third and fourth terms."

Comment Re:At last: an explanation! (Score 1) 275

Keep in mind that reality show characters aren't the people who decide to produce the show, nor air it, nor are they the ones who keep the show on the air by tuning in each week by the million.

So basically, you just said that Hollywood TV execs and reality show viewers have a lower intellect than the characters on shows like "Swamp People" and "Honey Boohoo."

Can't say I disagree with that one.

Comment Re:The answer (Score 1) 441

I honestly think that what they bring to the table is their cultural background, not their gender or race. If you take a team of all white males age 20 - 25, who grew up all around the world, you will get better results than a group of white males ages 20 - 25 from California.

Now see, that makes sense! Because you're talking about actual diversity and globalization, not some bigoted race-baiter's concept of it.

If the design team of Assassins Creed would have had more women in key positions, maybe they would have noticed having a female playable character is a good idea, before the game was released.

Also, a woman probably would have pointed out how ridiculous it is to pretend that palace guards can't tell the difference between a group of peasants wearing rags, and the huge guy wearing a finely crafted assassin's cloak standing behind them.

Comment Re:So DMCA has helped terrorists (Score 1) 389

I wonder if there will be push back against the DMCA system now that it helped terrorists.

There probably would, if not for the fact that apparently the majority of American society consists of invalids with low brain functions, who only care about a single issue that doesn't even effect them.

If it doesn't have anything to do with what another person carries on or in their own bodies, I doubt more than a handful of people will complain.

Comment Re:Trying to wrap my head around this (Score 1) 389

Youtube and other service providers have to accept it whenever they don't have proof if they want to be safe.

Well, that's a wonderful, just way to do things, isn't it?

"We can't prove you actually murdered your wife, Mr. AC, but we're going to execute you anyway just to be safe..."

Comment Re:Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

Opposition to Medicaid expansion isn't always a result of "poor hating," you know.

I, for one, oppose the idea because I know that the federal government treats those programs like a crack dealer treats new customers: yea, the first taste is free, but once you're hooked and your state can't live without those federal tax dollars, suddenly you start seeing the strings come into view.

'Course, if we had real universal health care, this would be a non-issue.

Comment Re: Typical muslims (Score 1) 389

Today in the world, most terrorism comes from the Muslim community.

Depends on whose definition of terrorism we're going by - if we use the US government's ever-changing definition (although they seem close to settling on "anyone who disagrees with us"), then yea, Muslims commit most of it.

However, if we are going by the actual dictionary definition, ie "using fear and threats of violence to coerce individuals into following a particular political ideology," well, nobody's a bigger terrorist than the governments themselves.

Personally, I've never seen a "Muslim terrorist." I have, however, seen US government agents threatening to take away people's freedoms, firing chemical weapons on civilians, and presenting an ominous and threatening presence in an attempt to force citizens to accept their rule.

Consider this - statistically, an American citizen is at least 10x more likely to be killed by their own government than a "Muslim terrorist." But yea, keep whining about what people half a world away choose to do within their own culture.

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