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Comment Re:Learn about something before changing it (Score 1) 583

Before you start suggesting changes on a system, first learn why something is done the way it currently is. it's usually for a pretty good reason.

Unfortunately the people who need to read this are not the programmers/developers/engineers, and instead are the managers and project managers.

Comment Re:Why Didn't They Strike Down That Law? (Score 1) 144

Still trying to see how not striking down Obamacare because it includes a tax (penalty) for not having healthcare as unconstitutional is a failure. Basically you are ranting that SCOTUS didn't strike down a tax law passed by the group that can create taxes was unconstitutional because it created a tax...

Comment Re:We just need more talent! (Score 1) 249

There are plenty of 'programmers' in the U.S., but the ones who actually know what they are doing are very difficult to find and keep!

No, really, they are not that difficult to find and keep. They might be difficult to find and keep when another company is offering a 20% raise over their existing salary and you don't match it. But that isn't actually "difficult" in the sense of the word, that is just market forces saying that you arn't paying enough.

Comment Re:Still in the super-early adopter phase (Score 1) 227

(2) Game developers stop the exponential increase in scene complexity, fidelity, draw calls, shader complexity, etc. I don't see this slowing down at all; if anything, game developers are making their games heavier and heavier at a faster rate than the GPU manufacturers can keep up. There used to be a time when you could buy a single discrete GPU of the highest make/model available on release day of a game, and you'd be able to run it with the maximum detail settings. Now, you either need SLI/CrossFireX, or lower your resolution beyond what's "standard" for the present day. Unfortunately, if texture size and scene complexity continue to climb, it won't matter if the options menu has a detail slider -- if your GPU can't keep up with the required number of pixels per second, it doesn't matter whether you're using big textures or tiny ones.

You don't need to worry about this one too much anymore. You see, the "next gen" consoles are already out. That means if the game can't be played on a XBone or PS4, it won't get produced (by the mainstream producers). The only thing that will be pushing graphics much more are developers still trying to figure out what they can squeeze out of the existing hardware (which usually takes 2-4 years time, of which we are already in year 2). And given past generations, Microsoft and Sony won't be looking to replace these consoles for at least another 6 years or more (because it takes that long to make back their investments now due to selling the hardware at the losses they due, plus the R&D costs).

Comment If you live there, get your facts straight... (Score 1) 213

Stop reading the tabloids and get your information straight. The "600,000 gallons of tritium steam" is pure crap. The steam that was released was steam from the secondary water loop which run the steam turbines. You should learn a little about how these nuclear plants actually work if you are so worried about them. You see, there are 2 main water loops, the primary water loop which goes into the reaction chamber and is heated by the nuclear reaction, and the secondary loop which is heated by the hot water from the primary loop (think like a car radiator where there are pipes running back and forth to disperse the heat to all the metal fins and into the air, but instead of there being just one long tube in the radiator, there are 2 separate tubes, one with the highly heated water from the reaction, the other with cool water that just came from the cooling tower).

So in other words, water that doesn't touch the reactor was vented as steam. So instead of reading tabloids and other such sources that simply are trying to sell a paper or generate a click on an article, you might want to read the real information like an official report or given how bad the reporting on the incident was, a official corrections release by the government showing how bad the reporting was in certain "press" coverage of the incident:

Official NRC Letter of Corrections to Editor of New York Daily News

Again, since you live there, you should know that there is a history of New York not liking nuclear plants. In fact, New York hates them so much that the state of New York refused to sign any evacuation plans for a plant, causing the operator to not be able to turn it on. Approx 16% of every dollar Long Island Electric collects is being used to pay for that plant still to this day, along with a 5% rate increase every year for 10 years straight that happened all because of how anti-nuclear New York had become.

Comment Standard Safety Protocol Followed... (Score 3, Insightful) 213

This is just crazy. Yet more anti-nuclear spin on a non-event. The unit is turned off because of loss or risk of loss of off site power. Pure and simply, nothing to see here, move along, kind of stuff. You see coal fired plants shutdown when they create too much heat, or the steam powered turbines spin too fast (which by the way can happen to just about every power plant type out there since almost all designs use them, nuclear, gas, coal, oil, high temp thermo, molten salt solar, etc). These things happen all the time. Yet, somehow everyone goes crazy when it happens at a nuclear plant.

What gets me even more is that the slant that is put on these stories (sometimes even by /. itself). This isn't a safety problem. It is safety protocol. This is like screaming that metal detectors don't help at security checkpoints because you now see an increase in people with weapons compared to when you didn't have metal detectors, so obviously the addition of metal detectors caused that increase in people with weapons at that location...

Comment Re:Wah, "threatened" (Score 4, Informative) 87

1. I send you a letter saying I'm going to release security vulnerabilities about your house to your neighborhood residents and the internet in general in 30 days.

2. On day 29 with no previous contact or attempted contact, you send me a letter asking for time to fix your house's security problems, since, naturally, as a so-called "researcher" that's of equivalent interest with respect correcting future known-bad designs. You note that telling people in the neighborhood how to break into your house might have legal implications.

3. I say "fuck you, wrong law, noob" and publish because you obviously had plenty of time to contact me to discuss before and chose to not do so and instead decided best to threaten me on day 29 hoping to stall and did a poor job of threatening using laws that have nothing to do with the matter at hand trying to make your position look strong and scary when all you had to do was contact me earlier than the 29th day asking for more information on the vulnerabilities, and/or offer to hire my services as a consultant to help fix the issues your security product obviously has in place.

Fixed that for you...

Comment Re:This seems backwards. (Score 1) 62

The key feature of the lawsuit is that the individual cannot show any specific harm was done, only that their legal rights were infringed. Most aspects of civil law require that the person show some sort of injury. In this case the specific law does not require damage. Damage to consumers is assumed as automatic if the company does not comply with the law. The wording of the law is only about compliance, not about harm.

And that is great and all, but also at point, how do you prove you were passed up on a job because of this without a company coming straight out and telling you the reason? There is no law that says a company needs to tell you why you were not chosen for a position. Your resume may simply be tossed into the "do not trust due to lies" pile automatically by the automated compute checking system that performed the check of the information in the resume with the information in the automated background checks, and you would simply be filtered out without even having an interview.

THAT is the point that this lawsuit is trying to bring to the forefront. This kind of data IS being used by many places for finding potential employees, new clients/consumers, loans, and many other use cases. Things that you write in your resume are being cross-checked against other sources and if things don't match, well, lets just say your word then becomes suspect, which is not a good position to be in when trying to get a job.

Comment Re:This seems backwards. (Score 2) 62

Or as is very likely the case, a company passes up on hiring him for something like a basic data entry position because he is "over qualified" for the position and will be more likely to ask for raises or leave the company once he finds another position more at his level, making the company start the hiring process all over again (which costs the company money).

Comment Re:if that were true (Score 1) 348

In my experience, there are always candidates out there that can fill the position. The problem is that you and/or your company doesn't want to do what it takes to get such a candidate. That may mean paying relocation costs for someone to move, signing bonuses, or (god forbid) raise the salary. Its pretty clear that the market is tight in your area. That simply means you need to pay more than the company next door...

Comment Re:Rookie mistake... Also... (Score 3, Insightful) 230

DO NOT DISCLOSE THE INFORMATION TO ANYONE ELSE!!!! I can't state that enough. Also, DO NOT ACCESS IT EVER AGAIN!!!!!! I also can't state that enough either. Any subsequent accesses/"breach" of their security will be blamed on you, and used as evidence that you sent others the information, since you were the only one who knew. Anything anyone else does will be painted as you working in conjunction with a "group of hackers" in an attempt to defraud others, or even possibly extort the company in some way. Any continued access attempts on your part will be used to show that it wasn't a onetime mistake that let you uncover the issue, and that you continued to "hack" the site over a period of time.

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