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Comment Re:new york times (Score 1) 520

The prob is the people in the stores are powerless. Doesn't matter what they say. You'd need to record the phone calls with the reps on the 800 number ("for quality assurance purposes") but there's no way in hell we'll see smartphones being able to, you know, *record phone calls* any time soon.

Comment Re:Hoping for Windows 7's success... (Score 1) 350

It's a bit of a catch-22, because while it's still above that magical 1% mark, you'll do everything you can to cater to those people and make sure the site works 100% for them. This gives them far less reason to upgrade in the first place. And 1% of sales volume is likely pretty darn low, compared to the extra cost of ensuring a 100% experience for IE6. For someone selling $1,000,000 a year, that's $10,000 you're catering towards, when it likely costs more than that in developer time to futz with the site and testing for IE6. For many smaller businesses, a 1% loss, in order to ensure a better experience for everyone else, is usually acceptable.

Comment Re:Another Book (Score 1) 133

If you the kind of programmer that wants to know every single detail of the ExtJS library up front, Jay's ExtJS in Action book will work very well for you. If you want to get up to speed fast and fill in the details yourself, then my Learning ExtJS book is more suited. Depends what your learning style is. I cant say anything about the other books on ExtJS, as I haven't read them.

Learning Ext JS 133

stoolpigeon writes "Rich Internet Applications (RIA) have often been associated with some type of sandbox or virtual machine environment to make desktop features available via the web. Many applications though, have left behind the restrictions and demands of those technologies, implementing RIAs as pure web interfaces. One key technology in this area is JavaScript. It's been well documented that working with JavaScript can be problematic across various browsers. In response a number of JavaScript libraries have been created to alleviate the issues in dealing with different browsers, allowing developers to focus on application logic rather than platform concerns. One such library, focused on providing tools for building RIAs is Ext JS. For the aspiring developer looking to use Ext JS, Packt provides a guide to the library in the form of Learning Ext JS." Read on for the rest of JR's review.

Comment Re:I'm a little confused (Score 3, Informative) 46

"I mean, if you're going to be some kind of start-up search engine or "semantic company" (whatever that means), shouldn't Web spidering be your core competency? If you're going to differentiate yourself in the market, how can you buy spidering as a commodity?"

Raw spidering is pretty much a commodity already. You're issuing GET requests over HTTP (for the most part). The "semantic" stuff comes in to play analyzing the results and doing interesting things with raw information you get back. If people can spend more time focused on doing the 'interesting bits' and less time on having to scale up to pull in the raw data to analyze, they'll be better off for it and more likely to be able to focus on creating something new/interesting/distinguishing.

People (generally) don't write their own web servers, nor their own TCP/IP stacks, often don't write their own session handling logic, or security code. All of these things have been commoditized. Perhaps too many people are relying on 'cloud computing' these days, but hosting and storage 'in the cloud' is where all the cool kids are playing right now (I don't necessarily agree with it, and probably wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket myself, but others are doing so). Spidering may be the next frontier to get commoditized.

Perhaps not everyone is comfortable 'partnering' with Google for everything? If someone was going to work on developing the 'next big thing', would you rather invest in something where the people had spent an inordinate amount of time building network capacity up to do drone work, or used a service like 80legs, or built the prototypes on Google's servers? Depending on the project, any of those make sense, but I'd prefer to use a service like 80legs myself. They're small enough and hungry enough they should give top notch customer service at this stage, whereas Google's not going to give you a number to call for direct service (maybe they do if you're spending loads of money, but then you're back to wise use of money).

The P2P aspect of how they're doing the spidering may be clever, but I'd rather see a more direct use of data-center resources around the globe, rather than relying on a seti-like participation model.

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