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Comment View from outside / Reverse Psychology ? (Score 1) 468

Sometimes from the outside we foreigners receive reports on the aggressive voter shaking, like getting phoned automatically.

Also the problem that some of those campaingers try to conceal or obfuscate their true origin to use a reverse psychological reaction to their advantage.

This "House Majority PAC" actually from my POV reeks as such a reverse thingy.

- page design & clumsy argumentation for example

If I would project myself into your place and would have been more likely to vote democratic than republican previous. This could make me angry and I would change to either "fuck off" from all voting or reverse my voting tendency.

It would been anoying to be bombarded with this load of crap, thank PASTA we don't have to.

But there is only one solution to this, because voting really is important, but when politicians and supporters don't know where politics turns out to be nothing more than a joke, and every vote turns into a dumb sheep shoven it's mostly the time to start an alternative that really is an alternative in being none.

All within the ruleset but ridiculing the current campaigners by beating them with their own ridiculous nonsense.

Example from germany:
In germany we have the party that's calling itself "the Party"/"Die Partei".

A satiristic nonsense party that ridicules other politicians and parties not by harrasing them, instead by just throwing some of their slogans back against them.

Comment Re:Just because you can... (Score 1) 120

Perhaps you will think differently when you became disabled?

Btw. the logic way would be that you start only doing indoor cycling, because otherwise you take higher chances to become disabled.

But it's your own choice to end your life if this happens. Perhaps someone at Silk Road X sells red pills and you can pre-order some? And as a precaution you should make a "patients testamony" that you don't want life extending treatment.

Comment Re:Just because you can... (Score 3, Interesting) 120

Is that difference really that big?

If you look into the history of eugenics you can clearly see that both arguments (sterilizing disabled and euthanasia of so called "unworthy life") come from the same way of thinking - rationalism.

And well (nazi)germany has implemented both - crimes against humanity, however the philosophy of total rationalism (which eugenic & euthanisia) was discussed in many other countries at that time including (pre-nazi)Sweden and Great Britian.

In Sweden(yes Sweden the country of the Nobel prize!) till the early 1990s disabled people were being sterilized - this btw. does not only include physical or cognitive disabilities but also cases of psychiatric patients.

And you said it yourself you "chose" not to breed,
nobody made the choice for you.

There is no real difference between both solutions:

Because they both stem from the same "total rationalistic" way of thinking. The totalitaristic rule of the total rational thinking, will treat human life and freedom of choice being somewhat expendable and hindering.

Comment Re:Just because you can... (Score 4) 120

Well sience has 20 years to find a solution for that.

Btw. what you ment with "should" is, that you want to hinder reproduction - natural and assistent - because of the possibility of transfering a birth defect.

To paint the picture you could also say "Sterilize the genetically disabled"

Or to go further, why should you support disabled people who cannot care for themselves, naturally they would die!?

My answer to this is: because it's the difference between humane and inhumane.

Comment Use the more efficient ION-Thruster (Score 1) 236
(successfully tested)

You also need to carry a big reactor = big mass (F=m*a) with you + propellant and thus combined with radiation protection problems for the crew and the inefficiency of the system if your mass gain(reactor+additionalshielding) outruns your win (2x specific impulse) over chemical rockets the system is out of question.

Like that "nuclear bomb drive". Sweet on the outside but bitter if you dig into the realisation problems.

Comment Longterm use - tried out on humans ? (Score 3, Interesting) 236

All information points to Torpor as a short term treatment option - indeed there are animals but those are adapted to that condition, humans are not.

The first set of problems that comes to my mind are kidney stones -> Solution catheter/bladder flushning -> next problem infections in the urinary tract due to catheters. Due to the urinary tract not being "flushed" regularly keeping the germs in the lower urinary system. This problem is also much more challenging for women.

Also the subjection of different germ kinds to the lower temperature needs to be taken into account.

Different germ populations have different temperature ranges were they show different reproduction rates. If the cold condition does not favour the reproduction rate that the lactic acid producing germs over the germs from No.2
this can lead to -> Vaginal flora will be less acidic = starting point for "unwanted/dangerous" germs from No.2

Don't think that when your body is in this "pseudo stasis"
germs are too, they aren't.

Comment Re:What is BSD good for? (Score 1) 77


the chance not needing to start up many services to have a modern *Nix*Free*Li*net* OS
that is running like a quick, responsive machine, three generations older than the one needed for CentOS.

The "Free" in FreeBSD - is for Freedom: we choose what services our machines run, no fucking installer.

The "Free" in FreeBSD - is for OptIn not to be Opted in by default.

And the BSD in FreeBSD - stands for structure, clean, deterministic behaviour, not that clutter a Linux Distribution is built uppon
(have a look at linuxfromscratch)

Just download the FreeBSD source tree kernel and userland, you will recognize every source for each non-builtin-command is placed in a directory with a make file.

If you want to alter something just edit the source "make" it, and install it in your system.

Comment Rock the boat! (Score 1) 144


thank you, that's a similar bad feeling I carried arround with me everytime hearing AES-CTR.

The further interesting analysis on AES-CTR encrypted traffic would be if when the data is not appearing to be "random" enough,
if you could recognize patterns inside the data and then resolve back to the encrypted data.

Like the famous ECB encrypted pengiun could still be recognized attacks. [1]

It would even introduce a lower level of
a.) you transer your passwords file over openssh
b.) I recognize the pattern of that file

= Will start working on that specific data, perhaps the machine juice needed would be out of the question for a normal individual. But the real crypto attackers are not normal individuals, super power computing power is at hand.


Comment Re:Pseudoscience? (Score 1) 293

Earth Remote Sensing = using sattellite sensors (different sensors)

Multispectral imaging = common you combine data from sensors that have different spectra, like overlaying an RGB CCC with data from a thermal imaging sensor .. (Predator)

Gamma irradiation = yes possible, during cold war the US sent satelites into the orbit search for gamma ray bursts (which you would expect from a nuclear test) and they found many because the REDS tested their nukes in far away galaxies, just kidding extra terrestrial Quasaroids were the source

I cannot however say if you can detect the small amount of primary or secondary gamma radiation from an enclosed nuclear warhead especially when submerged under water.

Radiation Chemistry = common, C14, isotope analysis etc..

NMR spectroscopy = exists, however it is ment to analyse
for molecules

Comment Re:Hmmm. On the edge of possibility... (Score 1) 293

If you draw a line between the last civilian radar contact and the
last military contact

CIVIL 6Â 55â 15â N, 103Â 34â 43â E
MIL 5Â 40â 50â N, 98Â 56â 27â E

You would extrapolate to the bay of bengal.

But: Airplanes when they are out of fuel do not "fall" out of the sky.

Like airgliders these aircraft have the ability to enter a glide path, if you don't stall the aircraft. Also a water landing where the hull mostly remains intact is possible however as soon as an engine nacelle hits the surface and gets submerged the aircraft would capsize (there is a video from a big passenger airplane crashed in the mid 90s you can find it on youtube)

I'm not familiar with the autonomous systems of the 777 but for a modern autopilot to enter a glide path as a last option as a failover would be a better idea other than to stall the aircraft and falling out of the sky.

Comment Simple solution: Call India for Help! (Score 1) 293

From the images I saw the grid they use is pretty fine,
if shape and grid do really conform each other, then the resolution is approx 100mx100m so the position in this grid is also very detailed. WikiP-tells me The water depth is "4694 " at max and
2600m average.

This is not so challenging, also the Indian Navy(submarine+sub hunters) operates in these waters so the best address to transfer the coordinates to is India. If they could check the deep sea surface there with sonar imaging.

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