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Comment Why first amendment (Score 1) 225

I know it's all press-like and maybe you want to publish someday. But wouldn't it make more sense to classify it as 2nd and 4th amendment breach? A camera as reasonable, non-violent armament for defense, and taking/destroying the evidence recorded on it being an unreasonable search and seizure(hell, if not out right evidence tampering)?

Comment Corporations can't don't have "alone time" (Score 1) 387

Trying to fire up my euphemism engine here at work. I think that an individual recording you causes you to think of all the unseemly things that individual might do with pictures of you in their private collection. Law enforcement and corporations are just abstract enough that we can't easily imagine them doing gross things while looking at them. (Just one idea)

Comment Turn the tables, be labeled a terrorist (Score 1) 302

Imagine a FOSS project that does this in reverse. Regular citizens point their webcams out the window at smart-phones out the windshield. Some fancy P2P shenanigans and there is a huge public database that shows the locations of everyone. Now we all see where our police and pols are at all times too. How many hours before our masters are knocking at our front doors to shut down this egregious violation of their essential rights to privacy?

Comment Re:More tolerent of human error (Score 1) 510

I blew it by not being here earlier. The US system of at fault driver liability isn't the only model out there. Some countries have a 50/50 rule. Then there's the NZ system that has the insurance being a government function, you have an accident and your reimbursement schedule is a national standard (pittance compared to the payouts here in the US). A new model could evolve to deal with this new development. (I realize I'm way too late to this thread.)

Comment Re:Said it once... (Score 1) 810

Governments don't have rights, they have powers. This whole debate is fraught with fallacy of false analogy. Under this analogy, it's more like when that college kid "hacked" Palin's email and posted it ot 4chan. The kid got busted, but nobody prosecuted Moot for maintaining the forum.

Comment Re:Abandon all your cash (Score 2, Interesting) 454

I worked at a small community bank for a number of years. The software we used actually did track the decimal out a few places beyond what you see (used mostly for interest calculations). However, the larger infrastructure isn't built (yet) to handle those sub-cent values between banks. Also, smaller institutions have a tendency to have a lot of those transactions printed on paper and stored as per federal regulations (paperless is always almost here!) so there is an actual cost to tracking those little tiny transactions, not to mention that small unnoticeable transactions are the floater transactions that fraudsters use to test the viability of raiding an account. When it comes to cash, it's time to move the opposite direction, nothing less than deci-dollars is worth striking up in coin, drop pennies, nickels and quarters.

Comment Already said, already said (Score 2) 59

The roll-out was just terrible (like, in a different way, to Buzz). They should have just added a sweet little "wave live!" button to g-chat and gmail one night. Those wanting to turn it on could have just pressed the button and been like "whoa, this is neat." But instead, Google got way too caught up in their own hype machine and the endless feature implementations.

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