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Comment Re:Where do they go? (Score 1) 196

They go outside the city. Most of Canada is essentially uninhabited by people, so there is plenty of space that they can go where they will not be a nuisance. They don't even have to go far in this case, as Ottawa is surrounded by forest and farm land. You can drive half an hour from the city center in any direction and be in the middle of nowhere.

Comment Re:Once again Canada leads the way. (Score 1) 143

bacon-flavoured bacon bits, wrapped in bacon -- if that's a thing

Canada is a wonderful place, but one thing that Canadians do not know about is bacon. Hint: it's not ham. OTOH the British have great bacon (more meat than the American stuff). Go figure.

Sorry, but as a Canadian, if I ordered bacon and got ham, I would be quite perturbed, flabbergasted even. What you call Canadian Bacon, is known as back bacon up here. What we call bacon is the same as what you 'Merican's call bacon. Also, I was in a subway chain in the the US and ordered a BLT. They were using deep fried bacon. What an abomination. Fried all the flavour out of that poor excuse for bacon. What sort of deviant deep fries bacon, Eh?


Video Inpainting Software Deletes People From HD Video Footage 124

cylonlover writes "In a development sure to send conspiracy theorists into a tizzy, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII) have developed video inpainting software that can effectively delete people or objects from high-definition footage. The software analyzes each video frame and calculates what pixels should replace a moving area that has been marked for removal. In a world first, the software can compensate for multiple people overlapped by the unwanted element, even if they are walking towards (or away from) the camera."

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