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Comment Re:Oh yes... (Score 0) 359

FYI it is interesting to see how much the libtards want to bury my message, and how many others want it displayed:

Comment Moderation
sent by Slashdot Message System on Tuesday August 19, 2014 @12:05AM
Re:Oh yes..., posted to Ebola Quarantine Center In Liberia Looted, has been moderated Insightful (+1).

It is currently scored Normal (1).

Re:Oh yes..., posted to Ebola Quarantine Center In Liberia Looted, has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Insightful (0).

Re:Motive?, posted to Ebola Quarantine Center In Liberia Looted, has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Normal (1).

Re:Oh yes..., posted to Ebola Quarantine Center In Liberia Looted, has been moderated Flamebait (-1).

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So unoriginal, posted to Microsoft's Windows 8 App Store Is Full of Scamware, has been moderated Interesting (+1).

It is currently scored Normal (1).

Re:Oh yes..., posted to Ebola Quarantine Center In Liberia Looted, has been moderated Informative (+1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

Comment Re:Oh yes... (Score 0) 359

No. I never post anon until I run out of of posts for the day.

It is funny how up until the point that I started to write the truth about Gaza and race issues that my karma went over night from "funny" to "bad" which means that I am not allowed more than 10 posts a day. But the libtards, who are marking each other up all the time still have a karma which allows them to post their version of events all day long.

It just goes to show: If you want to know what a "liberal" thinks about free speech, say something his boyfriend disagrees with and you will find out from his lawyer!

The karma issue on /. is one of the reasons why you get skewed impression of how people actually feel about "taboo" issues such as Jewish Supremacism and Race. They have more people lined up who want to stop a debate by marking "troll" every time they disagree with something than we do - because we believe in debate and they do not. So they close us down, but we do not close them down. Which leads to skewing in the opinion on /. (not that it is not already skewed due to self-censorship).

Comment So unoriginal (Score 1) 188

Google have their stupid "store", Apple have their stupid "store", Microsoft have their stupid "store". These companies try to force you to go through their stupid "store" for everything. Even free things. You just want to download something and they force you to create a store account and verify with some kind of tracking like a phone number because god forbid that you can upgrade Notepad these days without the FBI receiving a notification.

In my opinion, these companies have completely lost the plot. They have started to change things for the sake of change, probably because they employ too many people and those people have to create things for themselves to do. Their latest thing is "store". Using computers was easier, less frustrating and more fun when we did not have the "store".

Comment Re:Oh yes... (Score 0, Troll) 359

Hey they are exactly the same as us, okay. It is only their skin color that is different. They evolved in a different environment which gave them a different skin color, but it could not possibly impact their IQ or anything like that, because IQ is fixed and the same for all people - it is the one thing that did not evolve and would not be impacted at all by different environments. Okay? Got it? If you say otherwise then you are a racist and want to holocaust 6 gazillion poor innocent Jews who have already almost been holocausted, again!, by Hamas rockets.

The reason they behave so badly is because we oppressed them. White people are to blame for all of this. We are so evil. Thank god for the white genoc... I mean, for diversity.

Comment Re:Motive? (Score 0, Interesting) 359

"Or we could just blame it on race, because that's easy, and stupid people like easy explanations, no matter how wrong they are."

Okay. It appears that there is some evidence, apart from the overwhelming evidence of the crapness of black countries and black areas within white countries, and the really clever game of wit and brain that blacks invented called "knock out game", or the one where they set themselves on fire for fun, that blacks have higher testosterone and that high testosterone is not conducive to "civilisation" or to "being civilised".

Civilisation could only rise once testosterone levels fell, according to "Science",

"Serum testosterone levels in healthy young black and white men.

This report gives the results of assays of circulating steroid hormone levels in white and black college students in Los Angeles, CA. Mean testosterone levels in blacks were 19% higher than in whites, and free testosterone levels were 21% higher. Both these differences were statistically significant. Adjustment by analysis of covariance for time of sampling, age, weight, alcohol use, cigarette smoking, and use of prescription drugs somewhat reduced the differences. After these adjustments were made, blacks had a 15% higher testosterone level and a 13% higher free testosterone level."

Comment Re:Are You Kidding? (Score 0) 541

"what part of there is no group of genes which can be usefully used to identify race did you miss?"
Well what part did you miss?

Also see other pages on that site which show other groups. The point is that using an individual's DNA you actually can assign him to a group of humans distinct from other groups. Those groups are called "races" and they do correspond roughly with the groupings that one would naively make "by eye and ear". Yes, there are some overlaps and grey areas, but our knowledge of DNA is extremely limited so it would be a mistake to assume that we already know everything about it.

see also:

On the one hand some believers in Evolution as the origin of species will have it that all organisms are constantly "evolving", and that would have to include the development of all kinds of intelligence, aptitude, etc..., but on the other hand they want us to believe that Black Africans and Whites and Chinese people and Indians could not possibly have begun to develop separately in these traits and thus arrived in the modern age with a differential between them, which defines race, due to their differing environments, and that in fact we must all be exactly the same, as though we were not in fact separated and subjected to different environments for at least tens of thousands of years!

They have deeply misled and confused themselves to the point where their illogic is so obvious that people are afraid to question it. Like when a Professor of Mathematics insists that 1 + 1 is 3. People are just afraid to call them out and say: Hang on. That makes no sense. That is in fact, nonsense.

Same species, different race. Is it really that hard to understand? It is exactly as predicted by the theory of natural selection / evolution - so what is the big deal? You take a homogeneous population and separate it and subject different parts to different environment for a long time and then you end up with the parts being identifiably different to each other. Why is that so hard to agree with? It is exactly the theory of Natural Selection / Evolution.

White people are different to black people are different to Chinese people are different to Indian people due to the process of natural selection/Evolution. Same species, different race. They have not diverged to the point where they can no longer breed, hence they are the same species, but they have evolved to the point where they look and behave differently. They have evolved to the point where as groups (on average - it is a bell curve, some blacks are more intelligent or less physically able than some whites, but in general the test scores paint a certain picture they are more or less suited to different physical, cultural and social environment and will react differently to the same opportunities and will vary in their ability to capitalise on such opportunities.

Blacks tend to have more testosterone:

Which makes them less apt to create a civilisation:

Does it mean we need to hate each other? No. Does it mean we cannot all live on the planet? No. But that does not take away from the obvious fact that race does exist. It is astonishing that a white man can walk up to a black man and tell his Chinese friend to inform the Indian that race does not exist.

Black people (outside of the US where they have received propaganda/indoctrination which is opposite to the truth), Chinese people, Indian people, most do not have a problem with the fact of the existence of race. It is only a tiny bunch of idiot whites (libtards) who are walking around saying such stupid things. They have all succumb to the indoctrination which has taken hold like a parasite in our society and which is intent on the destruction of the white race. Nasty people like Barbara Spectre are behind this indoctrination:

See more results of Barbara Spectre's attack on the white race here:

And yes, Diversity = White Genocide.

Comment This is not new science. (Score 0) 541

"Race, Evolution and Behaviour"

High testosterone prevents civilization:

"Serum testosterone levels in healthy young black and white men"

Join the dots for yourself.

Who is the enemy of white people?

What can we do about it?

Whites are finally waking up. Let's hope it is not too late.

Comment Re: Catching a pedo (Score 0) 182

I think that you will find that the true differences between different people's are not determined by the fraction of "genetic markup" (as difficult as that is to quantify) that they share.

Look at two vessels containing volumes of gas. One is Oxygen at STP and the other is Carbon Monoxide at STP. The vessels share more than 99.9% of similarity because they are mostly vacuum. But does that mean that the vessel of Oxygen is the same as the vessel of Carbon Monoxide? No.

Compare the machine code generated by two different programs written in Java after the bytecode is JITed. Are they not very similar? Mostly it is house- keeping/framework related and that code is the same for all programs. But the tiny fraction of difference is what makes the programs do different things. I.e. the bit the programmer wrote.

So comparing "genetic markup" and discovering that the code is 99.9% similar does not logically lead to the conclusion that "we are all the same". It is very conceivable that the important parts are the 0.1% of differences!

Comment Re:Catching a pedo (Score 0) 182

"That is extreme Sadeism."
If a pedo does not want to be killed then they should refrain from raping our children.

It is a simple formula:
      Rape our children = we will kill you.
      Don't rape our children = we will not kill you.

"This, incidentally, makes you far, far worse than the person that got caught."
  Only in the opinion of the libtard mind. Only a libtard could possibly come out with such a warped and backwards interpretation of events.

No sane person wants to allow an animal who rapes our children to live so that he can have the opportunity to repeat the offence and destroy another family - or even to remember with pleasure the harm he caused while he is enjoying the benefits of society after serving his puny sentence which the libtards have ensured has been reduced to almost nothing.

The libtard position will not protect our children from becoming the next victim. Mine will.

Some cowardly libtard marked my original comment as troll. This goes to prove the saying:
If you want to know what a "liberal" thinks about freedom of speech, say something he disagrees with and you will find out from his lawyers.

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