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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 1 accepted (4 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - What is Flattr and How to Use It (myoutsourcedbrain.com)

rackeer writes: Recently the story was slashdotted that Flattr was one of the very few sites that still accepted donations to wikileaks. However even on slashdot, many people haven't heard of this relatively new microdonation platform. This is because, although it has an impressive growth to show, Flattr is still young, in an early stage of development, and users are mostly European. This article explains what flattr is, why people should know about it, how to make money with it, and how to donate. It also shows how to integrate it with any website.

Submission + - Don't Cut back on Spanish Science! (myoutsourcedbrain.com)

rackeer writes: In times of economic crisis, governments try to cut expenditure. While in the United States, as an answer to the economic crisis, a stimulus package increases spending on R&D, the Spanish government has decided to reduce government expenditure on research and development (R&D) by nearly 18 percent (Spanish). The author of the article gives an economic rational why R&D spending should not be reduced. Scientific research indicate that R&D spending at about 3 percent of GDP is optimal, while Spain was at 1.2 percent in 2008. The author argues that Spain should rather increase its research expenditure in order not to fall more behind United States, Japan, and the European average.

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