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Comment Re:Gee Catholic judges (Score 0) 1330

You and the parent both fail to realise that the laws trump your religions. If their is a conflict between the 2 the law always takes precedent. Claiming your invisible sky-daddy wants or doesn't want something is irrelevant.

You're just so full of wrong here.

First, you mean precedence, not precedent.
Second, the SCOTUS just saw it my way.

So, you can go suck a bag full of dicks.


Comment Re:KKKonservatism at its finest. (Score 1) 1330

how is the poster a moron?

I can't say for certain how he or she became a moron but the idiocy he or she is displaying is how I know that he or she is a moron.

Five years ago you would never think a corporation had a right to unlimited political spending in the name of the right of free speech of a corporation.

I argued that exact position before McCain-Feingold became law. If each of the people who own a corporation has the right to free speech, it's unthinkable that when they work together they somehow lose that right.

Last year you would not have thought Hobby Lobby could prevent it's employees from getting their Federally guaranteed earned health benefits in the name of a corporation's religious inclination.

1. No one is prevented from getting anything. Every Hobby Lobby employee who can get a doctor to prescribe birth control pills can still get them. Hobby Lobby just won't be forced to pay for it.
2. Yes, I not only thought but I hoped that would be the case when the issue was decided by the SCOTUS.

It really is just a few months at this rate before they vote.

Yeah, I see why you posted anonymously. If you had used your name, in a year, I would have waited to see you post and then replied to remind you what a fucking moron you are.

It's not going to happen. Ever.

What's to stop it?

The fact that to be able to have the right to vote, one must be a citizen and in order to be a citizen one must be a human being.


Comment Re:So what you're saying... (Score 1) 66

Not my "meme." I rarely, if ever, refer to it.

But, it's true. Capitalism relies on private control and a free, competitive market. Crony capitalism is government control and a resulting non-free market by explicitly decreasing competition.

I mean, sure, you can call it whatever you want to, but when I say "capitalism works" and someone says "crony capitalism is proof it doesn't," that's just stupid, because crony capitalism flatly violates some of the primary tenets of capitalism.

Comment Re:So what you're saying... (Score 1) 66

It was a different fork of this thread.

So you admit you lied.

Crony capitalism ... can also happen when a purchased politician prevents regulations from occurring, to improve profitability.

False, but telling that you think such a stupid thing. To you, there's no difference between freedom, and not-freedom. It's just two different options, neither better than the other.

It is also noted that you have still failed to produce an example of a federal regulation that actually impedes profitability of health insurance companies.

a. I never saw you ask that. It might've been in the comment I replied to, and I didn't see it, because after your massive whopper about what you want people to think crony capitalism is, I stopped reading.

b. Why would I produce an example of something I never asserted? Once again: holy shit, you're retarded.

Comment Re:Big "if" (Score 1) 66

For example, does state law say you cannot participate in GOP runoff if you participated in Dem primary?

I think that's the case McDaniel is making, and I haven't heard it refuted.

I haven't seen the case strongly made. If you have a link, I'd be obliged. Stories I saw all handwaved at it.

You don't seem to understand that in modern America, "having rules and enforcing them" == "voter suppression".

But they are Republicans. Voter suppression is expected. It's OK.

Check the mirror and see if you don't notice a big ol' raaaaacist in there, or something. :-)

Only because I see YOU STANDING BEHIND ME. What the fuck, man?!?

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