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Comment Daft Logic (Score 1) 218

There is no guarantee that you will get the phone back, or that it will even be operational if you get it back, with this "magical" phone kill switch.

You most certainly can be be guaranteed it won't work if any of the globalists get whimsical and decide to shut it off. They WILL shut it off.

Furthermore, whatever system they implement most certainly will be wide open to hacking, that is something you can also count on.

My bank J.P. Morgan for example, regularly calls me about charges on my Credit Cards for my business because obviously their employees who do the I.T. work are selling the customer info on the side. (Get about 2 new cards a year now...I suspect I will be getting 4 cards a year shortly. Hell to have a bank monopoly isn't it?)

Same thing with this system. If you can shutdown all of Verizon's telephone customers for example, you could do what "anonymous" governmental agencies did before 9/11, short the stock just before you kill or cause a massive outage or customer disaster as I put it.

Hell, short Verizon, and go long on AT&T and Sprint!

I love the smell of Globalism early in the morning.

Take a nice big whiff.

Comment Re:Paranoia? (Score 0) 198


Keep your we to yourself. Try THEM.

Try Federal Reserve Bank heads. Rapidly running out of time from their destruction of USA currency, as well as at the same time trying to start anything, and I mean ANYTHING to prevent everyone here from linking a complete economic collapse with any of their criminal activities.
(You don't think they want all of our guns to make us safe do you? They want them before economic collapse because if they don't get them from you before then, they are T O A S T..)

From LIBOR, to Laundering Money for Terrorists and Drug Cartels, to stealing everyones homes through the use of Robotic Signing authorities to secure hard assets...hard assets which they actually want, and not that funny paper called the Federal Reserve note.

These same bankers, are instituting military armed intervention now on the border of a country, which kicked Hitlers butt back to Germany.
(Check out the INSTALLED NON ELECTED LEADER of the so called EURO UNION Democratic Loving breakaway part of Ukraine...a FED BANKER!)

Defeated the greatest military commander of Europe, Napoleon.

Out to get them?

We either get these bankers and dismantle this Federal Reserve system, or we are going to wake up one morning with Cities missing.

These bankers try and pull the same crap with RUSSIA we are going to be missing some cities.

Russians won't put up with Western Banker NONSENSE and will put us in our place up to and including at the boot of a NUKE.

Comment Oppo (Score 1) 217

1) Awesome Screen, Check
2) Removable SSD card Check
3) Removable Battery Check
4) Cyanogenmod with correct driver support? Check.
5) Open Hardware/software without NSA sh*t, Check.

Writing A CHECK soon.

Comment Re:No irony (Score 1) 287

You ar ecorrect.

Without Industrial Espionage, the Elite can never hold on to their power.

Threats must be identified and neutralized, primarily through the stealing of industrial secrets to insure the Federal Reserve note is secure world wide.

Comment Re:And the US could turn Russia into vapor (Score 0) 878

Ah yes, they could.

In fact, our entire monetary system already collapsed, it did so in 2007.

Remember all of those criminal bankers and how they illegally packaged home mortgages into giant investment funds claiming they were AAA security investments?

The total there was only about $100 billion.

The problem is derivatives, they shorted them to fail. Yes, you heard me right, Goldman Sachs knew the packaged mortgages were really not AAA investments, and shorted them behind the backs of people they sold them too.

It triggered a gigantic shortfall of the investment funds and they were not worth what the shorts were calling for. It destroyed the entire banking industry of the United States.

US banks are now insolvent and the bankers walked away with all of the money and our currency is now destroyed.

On top of that, they never stopped the criminal behaviour, congress ACCELERATED it.

I wouldn't worry about it too much those, our congress is working with the bankers to insure you have far more too worry about than no food on the shelves at the local super market and a worthless dollar.

They are cooking up a real nice little event to insure you blame all of this criminal activity on anyone but Congress, Their Banker Cronies and the Military Industrial Complex stooges that are responsible for destroying our country.

Comment Re:And the US could turn Russia into vapor (Score 1) 878

Ah, no, that isn't how the market works.

A mere $50 Billion of treasury dumped in one month, could trigger Derivatives expansion and pretty much destroy the London and USA financial centers.

It would be complete chaos.

It would depend on how much treasury is sold in what amount of time.

Comment Re:And the US could turn Russia into vapor (Score -1) 878

Not at all.

One thing people don't understand is that teh countries we owe debt to, have vast Gold, Oil and Industrial Center reserves.

The USA doesn't have industrial reserves, or Gold reserves. The only thing we have right now is Oil from the fracking biz.

If Russia and China wanted to destroy our currency they could easily do it while taking very little hit to themselves as they are maunfacturing power houses in Agriculture and Heavy Industry.

We are none of those.

We relly on them to make out stuff...ALL of our stuff.

Except crooked politicians, or criminal bankers.

We manufacture those ourselves.

Comment College is still worth it. (Score -1) 281

No, it isn't.

#1 It is a bad investment. How bad? REALLY BAD. There is one exception. If you get a degree, speak mandarin fluently and decide to revoke your US citizenship and leave, then it can be a good investment. That way you can move to were good employment, healthcare and cost of living is realistic, preferably in a currency that is not being destroyed like the US dollar is.

A very well PLANNED destruction might I add to steal everything you have, unlike China which is importing MASSIVE quantities of gold to back its currency with, at least partially gold and the other of course HEAVY INDUSTRY.

A perfect spot to move to to start a family.

#2 There is no correlation between academic work and work performance. Likewise, historically there is no correlation between work performance and amademic performance. A part of history you won't learn at a american university, beause it is very bad for the whole industrial complex education thing is, all of the major players of 21st century technology rejected college.

Tesla, for example invented many things...all of which power our data centers, and our mobile app technology. At the time they were considered screwy ideas, and politically very bad ideas.

Tesla would have created new forms of energy, and energy transmission, too...but not only did the academics dislike him, so did the Bankers who found out he was developing a new energy source which would tap into the dynamo which is the earth and provide limitless energy for everyone.

When the JP Morgan banker found that out, he tripled Tresla's funding to one TRILLLLLION Dollars!

No, I am being sarcastic. JP Morgan threatened Tesla, and then immediately told him to stop if you want to live to see tomorrow.

The same F'ing bankers who destroyed our economy and since 2007 have been invading every country they can loot to prop up the American dollar.

Oh, they are running out of goat lov'in camel herding countries to invade so now are going after Nuclear powers, like Russia.

How do you think THAT will end?

Yeah, I bet Tesla, and Einstein while he was working on his theories thought to themselves, if only I could get a degree and be a real person.
(Einstein worked as a patent clerk while developing his theories...because academic institutions poo' poo'ed his ideas.)


#3 Do you like $50K in debt, and living in your parents basement AND declaring bankruptcy AND not having a job?

I bet you are just that sort of catch women LOVE!!!

Well, then step right up here folks, you can go to an American crapversity and get a degree in engineering, computer science so you can stay at home and setup your families wireless network (Oh, but at least you will have a degree to be qualified to setup that linksys router!!)


you can fix the washer or dryer for mom and dad with the mechanical engineering degree!
(Maybe even fix the neighbors in return for maybe a subway sandwich!!!)


I have to stop myself now, otherwise I am going to laugh myself into a coma anyone is serious about going to any American University.

Comment Re:crime? (Score 1) 234

The whole NSA mischief is directly related to what the banks are doing.

The banks fund all of this stuff, or it is funded through black projects, through illegal means because they do this sort of thing to avoid the laws put in place by the GAO.

It isn't off topic, it is bulls eye on topic. Look if you can print money you can fund just about anything, and most of what is happening is very very BAD.

I didn't pay much attention when these bankers started invading Mali because they have a huge infestation of GOLD...I mean..."terrorists" and France couldn't give Germany its gold back.

Russia is not a nation of camel loving goat herders. These people have Nuclear weapons and these bankers are stirring up trouble.

Leave them ALONE!

The whole NSA thing is just a symtom of a much larger problem. Oceans of money being printed by very bad people to do very bad things.

If they are not stopped, they are going to destroy our currency, our banks EVERYTHING.

Comment Re:crime? (Score 4, Insightful) 234


Oh, I am are thinking of JUSTICE. No no...laws apply to YOU..thats JUST US.

JUSTICE is for anybody not you, and it works this way:

1) Eric Holder runs guns for the mexican cartels in a act of subverting the law of the land, the constitution by orchestrating heavy arms into very violent people on the Mexican border hoping the chaos that will inevitably follow through with the subversion of law abiding citizens right to bear arms.

You know, because, if you have border incidents, they don't want people able to defend themselves.

While this is going on, DHS is plotting to kill every man women and child in the USA through the acquisition of ludicrous amounts of ammo.


I mean, ammo in the BILLIONS OF ROUNDS. You would need hundreds of MILLIONS of terrorists to justify that sort of purchase.

Do I need to draw anyone a picture or is it just a coincidence that the population of the USA is about 280 Million?

280 Million terrorists.

Yeah, terrorists because you don't like having your money confiscated when the banker cronies come and take it all.

2) Look at these lawless people and the BANKS THAT SUPPORT THEM.

New data centers that are funded for criminal industrial espionage, which is the primary activity of the NSA, with PRINTED dollars, because the economy could never afford to build any of this stuff.

From the NSA data centers to the really outrageous F35 program, which cost about 2 trillion to maintain a world wide fighter force of F35's when fully deployed.
(Probably more and if they can ever deliver it because they can't get the thing to work.)

Does anyone know what we collect in taxes? It's about 2 trillion. No really, go look it up. ALL of the collected tax revenue for one year, would go JUST for maintaining a fleet of F35's world wide on all of those bases we have.

Meanwhile these BANKERS print money and destroy the dollar value and as a result creates mischief. If you spend 2 trillion on air planes, you logically have to print the rest of the money to pay for everything else.

The SAME MISCHIEF THAT IS GOING ON IN THE UKRAINE right now. Did you see who they hired?

A Banker. A nice London Banker!

These people are everywhere and where they go lawlessness follows.

3) Have you noticed our youth have no where to go? You know why? Well, for one thing the economy is totally managed by the federal reserve.

The whole thing is rigged. LIBOR. Rigged. Silver Gold Prices, Rigged. Stock Market...


You tell me how the stock market can be so high when there is virtually no growth ANWYHERE IN THE WORLD, let alone the United States, which has like 35% unemployment.

You know once upon a time we had laws in place so Bankers couldn't control everything through monopolies. We use to have like a huge number of banks in the USA. Laws were put there so that the banks could not combine and do a EPIC meltdown, or forge any mischief. What do we have now?

5 banks controlling like 85% of the market? What happens when one of them goes titsup?

Yeah, remember the Anti Trust laws? Remember the glass steagall laws?

Yeah they got rid of them. You know why?

Because they want to steal it ALL that is why, and they don't want to be held accountable for ANYTHING.

Justice is for JUST US, NOT THEM.

I am not even going to go into OBAMA CARE, because at this point I am really freaking ticked off at all of this banker mishief and the hollowed politicians from our so called TWO PARTY, really ONE PARTY system.


Two Party so they can laughably claim you have a choice when you vote.

Comment No It Cannot. (Score 0) 497

Everything Science Produces is a Theory through the use of application.

To see how this works consider a cave man, who theorizes fire isn't terrifying, but could be controlled for warmth in the cave.

So the brave soul takes some fire from a lightening struck tree and keeps using it to heat the cave by feeding it wood.

His theory is true, and everyone in the cave thinks he is a genius.

Does he understand how fire works, ultimately?


He is considered an expert given the state of knowledge about fire for the time. Should he consider researching it further?

Yes, to continually refine the theory of fire and its applications.

Now I would like you to consider todays science in all of its vast corruption. Article after article says Man Made global warming is settled, all parameters about climate, and its impact for the past 15 years now by these experts have been telling us, if we do not kill 1/3rd of humanity (usually the poor and politically unwanted), we will turn the planet into Venus.

Decades go by, no change in fact it gets colder. Yet they proclaim supreme and ultimate knowledge of the entire Biosphere...short of proclaiming themselves infallible like the Gods.

Meanwhile, any further investigation to the theory of Man Made Global warming would be considered highly disadvantageous to ones academic career, if not fatal.

All of this is of course due in part to Al Gore's carbon exchange credits system they cooked up for an elite few bankers to get wealthy from, and to provide an income for a private army and world government since all nations would be taxed for carbon output.

All of this after decades go by and these people can't even tell you what the weather is going to be like next week, yet they want you to believe that if you do not pay your carbon taxes as a nation, the earth is doomed in about 10-15 years "snow will be a thing of the past".

Even so far as to going to FAKING FOOTAGE in contrived hollywood productions.

Science has lost its way in just about every single area in the the spectrum of research. Nature and other RAGS, publish frequently fake papers based on computer generated fake research and herald them as ground breaking for publication.

By review boards that consider themslves to be also some kind of infallible elite.

Here my words: Scientists of NATURE. You are usurpers and destroyers of science.

The last thing I would want to be is a industrial college complex produced scientist now days, and I work every day to defeat the companies that hire these worthless pieces of sh*t and put them out of business using open source.

Thankfully, with all of the PhD's that are on the dole at Microsoft, for example I (as well as many others) am well on my way to doing that. I and about a million other people world wide that don't need their crappy NSA contrived software, their crappy software products or customer service/monopoly patently illegal business.

In my case, open source allows me to continually review ideas in information science in my daily business and work, free from the crap I would have to put up with if I was in a college setting, including and up to accepting bribes from corporations to fund my lab and pushing pandering white papers on product endorsements that suck it and could not hold a candle to many open source equivalents.

Continual review of a scientific theory in the open, is what science is about. You can never claim something is a fact in science.

The best you can claim is that a theory is able to produce useful affects from nature to either build a product, or reduce human suffering...

Which is what science is suppose to be about ultimately addressing the human conditions of food, water, shelter, so that nobody goes without.

Once those things are taken care of, time and time again it is shown people pretty much almost stop breeding and turn inward to improve themselves intellectually as well as spiritually.

A goal that I guarantee you, absolutely frightens the global elite, and the panders of death, called "science" today.

Comment Inflamation (Score 1) 482

The idea that you need a flu shot everytime a politician signs a deal with a major pharma company could be very detrimental to your health. Primarily because everytime you get a flu shot, you introduce inflamation into the artery system of your body because the immune system gets jacked up from the shot.

If you do this every year for the rest of your life....well, you probably will get heart disease.

The only time you should get flu shots is when you see them piling up bodies from the plague, and you want to stay alive.

Then yes, I would get a flu shot.

Also, jacking the immune system up on developing children every year for seasonal shots is also probably a very bad idea, for obvious reasons I think.

Comment Politicians Creating Mischief (Score 1) 158

This has nothing to do with Theft.

I am glad most people on this forum understand what it is really about.

Although this is just another banker instigated piece of mischief, what you should be really paying attention to is the bankers, now knowing they have no way to destroy Syria and Iran, are now going after Russia.

Russia, is not a country full of old 1960's military grade hardware like Iran, Syria and Iraq.

They have Nukes.

These bankers try to do to Syria, Iraq, Libya thing in Russia, guys we are going to wake up and cities are going to be missing.

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