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Comment GOD DAMNED SLASHDOT!! (Score 1) 12

The fucking thing looked fine in preview. Why in the HELL does it look fine when you preview it and then look like shit when posted?

This is really amateurish, slashdot. FIX YOUR GOD DAMNED CODE!

My apologies to fans, there's an unfucked version here, where preview actually matches what it looks like when you post it.

Get your act together, slashdot, and fix this ugly fucking mess. This should be an embarrassment to you, but I guess Dice is unable to express that emotion.

The next mcgrew journal will simply contain a link to a site that is less retarded. Yes, slashdot, I'm pissed off. FIX YOUR BROKEN CODE or I'm gone!!!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Time flies like an error 12

The breakthrough was not in physics itself, but in mathematics. The new insights led physicists to see physics in a new light, and it wasn't long before they were experimenting with the equations, which seemed to indicate that it might be possible to instantly transport an object to anywhere in the universe.
It was a quarter century before a machine using the new understandings that actually did anything at all had any result, and the result was completely

Comment Re:More Regulations, Please (Score 2) 240

The shiny side of the foil needs to be on the outside of the hat. The problem here isn't government intervention, rather a lack of same. The problem is corporate sociopathy and lack of standards. The standards should have been set up before anybody started building equipment. Where government fell down was not mandating that. Not a surfeit of regulations but a lack of them.

And had there been a monopoly there would have been no compatibility problems, but would have caused worse problems.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Moroned Off Vesta 3

John's first patron of the day was waiting at the door when he approached.
"Roger!" he said as he unlocked the door. "I haven't seen you in years! Want a beer? My stuff is pretty damned good if I do say so myself, and it's a lot cheaper than the imported stuff."
"Sure," he said. John poured a beer and handed it to him. He took a sip. "Not bad, John. So you're tending bar now? I heard the shipping company fired you for that th

Comment Re:Trolololo (Score 1) 534

No, the Jesuit concluded that the aliens and their world must be the product of Satan because they had what appeared to be a perfectly moral society but without any knowledge of God. This directly contradicts the view that all knowledge of right and wrong comes only from knowing God.

(He was later disabused of this notion by none other than the Pope, who pointed out that this reeked of the Manichaean Heresy.)

The Lithians did not merely cease to exist: their planet exploded. Most likely due to human mining efforts, but the priest was conducting an exorcism at the time, so it's perhaps a bit ambiguous.

I don't remember the second book very well--I should really order copies of the whole tetralogy--but the last 2 books, Black Easter and The Day After Judgement, are also very thought-provoking.

Comment Re:Trolololo (Score 2) 534

And now, in an effort to steer this thread towards something resembling topicality, I offer up the James Blish classic sci-fi series After Such Knowledge, in particular, the first volume, A Case of Conscience .

In which the aliens feel sorry for us because they know our religions are bunk, but feel ethically constrained from telling us so. Turns out they have perfect ethics and no religion, which represents something of a problem, if you're a Jesuit...

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