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Comment Attention Australians! (Score 3, Informative) 134

Make friends with people around the world to get around this, simply get them to buy you L4D2 as a gift through Steam and because your buddy bought it in a 'unmodded' country, you'll get all the gore! BTW - this does work, a friend buys a German guy all his stuff so he has the gore and then PayPal's him back the cash

Comment Reporting (Score 1) 99

The harder thing ISP's need to do is set up some sort of reporting to show how much you have used up so far. Nobodies going to believe what the ISP tells them if there's no way to check themselves. Also I'd welcome something like this as long as it's per GB not something daft like per hour (and fairly cheap, aka £1 per GB max)

Comment Re:BING: But... It's Not Google! (Score 2, Interesting) 65

Remember that's $50 million a year, plus 9£% of all revenue from their own sites for JUST search, plus they free up 400 peoples wages. Also Yahoo have still got Flickr, Delicious, Yahoo Mail and others to rely on. There's also a number of get-out clauses too so Yahoo can just walk away, Microsoft have come out on top of this deal but Yahoo it's not all bad for Yahoo

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