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Operating Systems

Journal Journal: Microsoft breaks Windows 7 three-apps netbook handicap

This link points to the captioned article. And describes not what so called Windows 7 Starter Edition can do, but what it can't. Typical Microsoft; "How do we make win7 work on a netbook?" Cripple it until it's useless! That's their way. Let's see, no streaming media, no dvd playback, no etcetera. Wait a minute! Ubuntu Netbook remix and undoubtedly other Linux netbook installs do these and the other things one expects to do on a computer. Chalk another one up for the penguin.

Journal Journal: What I wish was forthcoming from Apple

So the pundits and slashdotters are supposing a tablet device will come from Apple next year. All well and good if so, and I hope it does well, but what I really want is a netbook. A reasonable priced netbook. Well we all know there'd be a premium to pay to have such a thing. Gosh, Apple spends millions just to design the cardboard boxes its computers come in. Still it's a good bet Apple could make plenty with a netbook, and I'd be happy to buy one. I know the rumour mill insists it's coming; and I wait with bated breath.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Head in the Clouds...not

http://www.linuxinsider.com/rsstory/67127.html This link points to a Linuxinsider article concerning among other things the beta of Ubuntu One, and makes much about cloud computing which many are talking about these days. I just want to say to anyone or no one, that I for one, do not wany my files and data stored online. Hello? If I fail to take backups or my computer goes up in smoke it's no one's fault but mine. But put my faith out there in some, er, cloud, and, well, I just won't risk it, it doesn't make sense. And because people's data is out there, it WILL be hacked and stolen. It's just a matter of time. Nope can't do it, just can't do it.

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
