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Comment Music is striving (Score 1) 458

Music has never been better. Filesharing has been going on in the last 10 years and music has gone a long way in the last 10 years. Filesharing is only hindering the money which big record companies are making, and as for my artists I prefer them starving. Point is, if we take money out of the art equation, then we'll get less artists doing it for the money and more artists doing it because they are passionate about their art and would do it for free anyways. This is just an issue of an existing market trying to survive. If we had invented the internet and filesharing before CD's, the market would have never existed and we would not even be talking about this right now. It's akin to china's use of coal as energy, it's dumber from every angle but people still do it because people have their lives invested in it. I say fuck them.

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