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Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 3, Funny) 381

You illustrate my point. The suits at Disney responsible for lobbying and litigating IP rules are not the people creating characters and animating stories. And the fact that the company takes creative content (e.g. new stories) and uses their copyrighted character to act them out does not make them creators of content. It makes them thieves.

If Disney keeps on extending copyright, someday they will run out of public domain material to form the basis of new movies.

Comment Re: US dollar (Score 1) 192

Actually, diamonds are valuable because a corrupt, immoral industry has been running propaganda campaigns to convince us of their value for generations.

1: Control supply.
2: Run propaganda campaign to increase demand.
3: Profit! (Note absence of ??? step)

Comment Re:Heart of the matter (Score 1) 95

Well, there you go.

We don't know the whole story here but it looks like Bangalore was a 1st tier center that escalated this issue to someone in US for further investigation. Sounds to me like the problem was in US.

Target is most likely using a 'Follow the sun' model, so if the alert happened at night (in the US) the Bangalore security team would have been monitoring at the time.

Comment Re:To be fair? (Score 1) 95

Maybe they're just fucking idiots, with an IT department that either is utterly inept or had been so marginalized by MBA morons and sociopaths.

Don't worry. Instead of security they have been moved to the online sales department. Now they are all doing photoshop work for the summer swimsuit line now so they will be unlikely to cause Target any further embarrassment...

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