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Comment Re:No colors = terrible choice (Score 1) 150

Getting rid of the colors on the buttons seems baseless. I can't tell you how many times...

Me: "Press A" Her: ::moving thumbs, squinting:: "... huh?" Me: "Green."

Yup. It's even worse for those of us that don't have HD TVs. When on-screen instructions appear, the only way I can understand them is from the colors.

Comment Re:I can think of better uses for $500 million (Score 1) 367

I disagree.
A school facility that doesn't feel like a prison can really change a student's attitude, and that's the most important part of education.

I'm not sure about LA, but where I live even homeless people already have easy access to modern computers and the internet. A student who wants to learn will learn, and student who doesn't want to learn won't learn. No ammount of classroom computers or teachers will change that.

If this one-time cost of half a billion dollars can make kids take pride in their education for as long as the school exists, then it's completely worth it.

That might not actually happen, but it's worth a shot.

Comment Try flashcard software (Score 5, Informative) 237

I've been studying Japanese for years, and flashcard software has really helped me with the Chinese characters. iFlash for OSX is an excellent tool.

As others have said, there's no way around the need for repetition and a lot of practice.

Also, diligence is extremely important. If you're not using them, then you forget the characters very quickly. If you're not careful you might actually find that you're forgetting characters as quickly as you're learning new ones.

Comment Re:Suicide? (Score 1) 1343

I'm sure the loss of his child is punishment enough.

I can't imagine how terrible being in his situation would be, sounds worse than jail.

Not if he didn't like the kid.
You can't really say "the loss of his child is punishment enough," because that would provide an easy way out for anybody who didn't want their kid anymore: Just pretend to like him for a couple years then leave a loaded gun lying around.
Way easier than 18 years of child support.

Comment Never discovered (Score 1) 793

I can't stand the idea of somebody parading my dead body around town and then using it as the centerpiece for an orgy of self-pity. The only thing worse than an open-casket burial would be if my remains were cremated. I can not think of anything more demeaning than being put in a jar and carried around and placed on a shelf somewhere.

I hope that after I die, my family and friends won't defile my body and destroy my pride for thier own enjoyment (I assume people enjoy feeling sorry themselves; otherwise why would they do it?). Instead, I want people to have a party, and use my death as an excuse to get drunk and feel good.

Comment Google UK (Score 1) 533

I don't know if there's anything you can do to stop them from tracking you when you're using their browser. If you're using a different browser though, you can avoid having your search queries associated with your gmail account by using a different country's google for the searches. I stay logged into my gmail all the time, and I use for all my searches.

Comment Re:Ask Google (Score 1) 443

Not everybody is an expert at formulating search engine queries.

That is very true. Search engine queries are a suprisingly subtle exercise in language. I never really appreciated this until I tried searching for something in a different language. I have a reasonably good command of that language, and yet I could not form a decent query to save my life.

Comment Good for some students (Score 1) 467

I love classes where the professors use power point. Those professors almost always post the presentations online, and that completely eliminates the need to show up for class.

Personally, I have a hard time paying attention to most professors talk for an hour, and I also find it inefficient. It feels like a waste of time to listen to the professor explain something out loud when I can just read it to myself in 1/2 the time. It also seems inefficient to spend time watching the professor write things that are already written in the text book. I appreciate the guidance and motivation that professors provide, but most of my actual learning comes from my textbooks and online resources.

I understand that different people have different styles of learning, and that many (or even most) people value lectures. Using power point and posting the slides online is a way for professors to accomodate both kinds of students. Students like me can still benefit from the knowledge of the professor without having to listen to a lecture, and students who want to listen to a lecture still have that option.

One of the author's main complaints seems to be that power-point lectures move too fast, but I would complain that traditional lectures move too slow. It's just a matter of different learning styles, and not all of your professors' teaching styles will match your particular learning style. That's just part of life.

Now, professors who use power-point badly are, of course, not very helpful, but that has nothing to do with power-point. Some professors just aren't the best teachers.

Comment Backwards (Score 1) 507

If that genetic link is legitimate, then shouldn't that get him a longer sentence?

Prison has two purposes: removing dangerous people from society until they are no longer a threat, and deterring future crimes. If this guy really is genetically prone to violence, that would make him more dangerous, and it would presumably take longer to determine that he is not a threat to others. The reduced sentence would also give him less incentive to overcome his aggression the next time he's thinking about committing a crime. It's completely backwards.

Also, reducing the sentence for him might even encourage further crimes by others, whether or not the genetic science is sound. It could give some sense of justification to somebody who's about to commit a crime. For example, just as I'm deciding whether or not to kill somebody, I might think, "It's not my fault I have genes linked to aggression. Hell, they'll even reduce my sentence for it," and then go through with it.

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