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Comment Re:SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 1) 458

Science makes none of these assumptions, you (and many others on both sides of the debate) make these assumptions of science. Science classifies knowledge into repeatable testable theories that can be used to make useful predictions. Science recognizes that there are limits to observation and in fact many theories characterize these limitations, the uncertainty principle is a good example of this.

It's all well and good to imagine what lies beyond human comprehension, but it belongs in the realm of musing and fantasy.

Comment Re:If that wasn't crueal and unreasonable... (Score 3, Insightful) 1038


Killing an unarmed and fully secured captive has no place in a mature and civilized society. I call bullshit on any claim that the death penalty is a deterrent and somehow weighed in the minds of a person who decides to rape and kill a pregnant woman. The real aim of the death penalty is to satiate the rabid mob of townsfolk who would prefer take matters into their own hands with a rope and a tree. Heck, I'll even admit that I'd be among those first in line to get a piece of this guy if he had done this to someone I knew but that doesn't mean I don't hope that calmer minds would prevail. Even in this case it doesn't really bother me that this man suffered, but that he suffered in the name of name of supposed 'justice'.

Comment Re:Texting during the *previews* (Score 1) 1431

The backlit screen in the darkened theatre is tremendously obnoxious (at least to me) by itself. That said, they could easily have resolved the situation like adults.

A: Sir, could you please turn off your cell-phone.
B: Uh, it's just the previews, relax.
A: I know, but I find the light irritating.
B: Fine.
B: I'm texting my kid, just give me a sec.
At which point A drops the matter and calmly summons a theatre employee if it continues into the feature.

Heck, even behaving like obstinate hormone-fueled adolescents and beating the crap out of each other would be better than what actually transpired.

Comment Re:Measurement of utility (Score 2) 146

Personally I'd be overwhelmed with curiosity with how the game physics would respond to situations the developers may not have considered. What happens if you rapidly cycle the train switch or switch it right as the train is passing over it? Perhaps you could get the train to derail and start to accordion thus clearing both sides of the tracks and destroying the train itself.

Comment Re:Many eyes... (Score 1) 213

C is a very low level programming language. If you ever look at the assembly listing for a C program you will generally find that each line of code maps to a relatively short sequence of assembly instructions. This virtue of C is what makes it so attractive for its original (and continued) use as a tool for writing operating systems, OS drivers, embedded systems, or anything where the developer needs or desires fine control of exactly what operations will be performed. Adding bounds checks lessens that control and for many applications where C is an appropriate language choice, would have a very real performance impact.

That said, many C compilers, debuggers, and code analysis tools (such as cppcheck as mentioned in the summary) offer features to detect memory access violations (and other types of bugs) during development and testing but without adding permanent run-time checking to release builds.

Comment Re:And this is somehow supposed to be a surprise? (Score 1) 1010

School just teaches you what you need to memorize and later regurgitate on the paper to get credit. The after-school religious education programs are what teach you what you need to believe lest you disappoint friends, family, and community.

Been down that road, it just didn't click. On the plus side it sounds like the new Pope is letting everyone into Heaven these days so you don't really need to hedge your bets any more.

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